Chapter 6: A Different Choice

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Zack's POV~

It's already been a month since my first escape. And every escape after that has been the same. He always found me. It's like he knows where I'll go and when I'm not in the pack house. I've been starting to think that it's hopeless. I don't want to live anymore. I can't even do anything at the moment. I was currently in bed with Brian holding on to me like his life depended on it. I don't understand what it is with him. I don't understand this whole "Mate" thing. And to be frank, I don't want to. All I know is that it's the thing that takes away my freedom. Which is why I refuse to even try to understand it. As I already said, it just leads me back in this idiot's arms. I try to get out of his hold, but he pulls me back into his chest and kisses my head. It's hopeless. I ask "Why?" He looks at me confused and asks "Why what?" Tears start to fall from my eyes. I then say "Why won't you let go of me?" He sighs and holds me tighter, if that was even possible. He then says "We went over this Zack. You're my mate. You belong with me forever. I love you, and I promise to make you happy." I start to cry even more as I say "Well you're not making me happy. I want to go home." He hugs me and nuzzles into my cheek and says "This is your home. You may not be happy now, but I promise that you'll end up liking it here." I shake my head and push him, but he isn't affected and pulls me back in his hold. I continue to cry. He rubs my back and kisses my cheek. He keeps whispering things like "Shh. It's alright." Or "Don't worry, I'm here." But none of it helps. He's the reason for me crying at the moment. He then scowls and says "I have to leave for a meeting. Matthias will be outside the room making sure you can't leave. Behave." I just nod my head sadly. He lifts up my face and kisses my lips and says "Don't worry. In time, you'll realize that you're mine and only mine. And you'll end up liking it here. Enough to call it home." He then leaves and heads to the meeting. I just sit here crying. I see a drawer that I didn't look in. I open it and see rope. A voice in my head said "It's the only way to escape." I believed the voice was right. I can't get out of here. No matter how much I try. I tie the rope up and hang it over part of the ceiling. Once I made sure it was right, I put my head in. I let go and start to choke. However, Matthias quickly comes in and uses his claws to cut the rope. I fall and cry. He grabs my shoulders and asked "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I cry more as I say "Getting the hell out of here!" He then says "Killing yourself will get you nowhere!" He helps me up and drags me to the bed. I then say "I want to go home. Is that too much to ask?" Matthias then says "Alpha has told you so many times. This is your home. You're never going back to live with humans. You'll live here and be the Alpha's human Luna." He then looks around the room. He picks stuff up and picks up the rope. He then looks at me and says "No more hurting yourself. I'm sorry to do this, but it is my job to make sure that you're safe and you don't misbehave. I'll have to report this to Alpha." He then leaves and locks the door. I hug my knees close to me and cry. I want my life back. And now I can't even take my life? What the hell? I continue to cry. Once I was done, I went to bed and slept.

Brian's POV~

"HE WHAT?!" I screamed out loud. Matthias nods and says "Yes, he tried to kill himself. I took away anything that can be used to hurt or kill himself."  I nod and said "Once dinner is ready, bring him down and set him next to me." He nods and I continue doing my paperwork. Once dinner time came around, I sat down in my chair as Zack was placed right next to me. We were having pork steak for dinner. I start to dig in to my food and watch Zack intensely. He picks up the knife and starts to cut into his food. He stares at the knife and walks away. Once he was far enough he aims for his heart. Using my werewolf speed, I quickly ran over and grabbed his wrist before it could hit his chest. I glare and grab the knife. I threw it away and said "If you're going to be like this, then you leave me no choice." I pick him up and walk over to my chair. I set him down on my lap and then say "Enchant all the knives." Rose nods and grabs an enchanted knife. She then says "I'll get the other ones enchanted too." I nod and start to cut into the food. Zack tries to grab the knife, but the moment he does, it shocks him. Not enough to hurt or kill him. He jolts in surprise and I smile. I hold up the fork with the piece of pork in it. I hold it up to his mouth and he eats it. I then said "You won't be able to touch any of the knives here. They are now enchanted." He then asks "What's that mean? And what do you need it for?" I smile and answer his question "Enchantments are what we werewolves do with weapons. They are used to defend ourselves against hunters. Humans can't touch them. If they try, they would die from electric shock, or worse. However, the enchantment I used just now is 'avoidance.' It makes sure that a human can't touch it, but doesn't kill them. I'll soon do that with rest of the utensils." Zack then says "How am I going to eat?" I smile and said "Easy. The avoidance enchantment doesn't affect a human when a werewolf is touching it. If the enchantment detects a werewolves intent to kill, then it'll work. However, my intent is to feed you. So it won't hurt you at all." He cries and says "I'm not eating anymore." I laugh and said "You will. I'll make you. Until I can trust you, I will be feeding you everyday." He looks down with sadness. I then lift his head and say "It's not like you could leave me anyway. Our bond is eternal! If you die, you'll just end up being taken by me again You'll be reborn, and taken in by me. Hell. If I find you early, I'll kill your parents and raise you myself." He then says "You'll always find me." I nod and say "Yes. And if I do have to raise you myself, you'd look exactly the same. And you'd remember everything the day you turn your exact age." He tries to get off my lap, but I pull him back and say "I don't think so. You still have to eat." He nods and I smile while I feed him and eat my own meal. Once we were done, we both went to bed. I lay him on my chest. I make him nuzzle into my fur. I smile and say "You can't leave me, Zack. I'll forever take care of you." I kiss his head and hug him close as I say "Forever and ever." The next morning, I see Zack by my side. I kiss his forehead and his head was burning. I panic and say "Zack! Get up!" I then called the pack doctor over.

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