Chapter 8: Results of Transformation

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Brian's POV~

I wake up in the morning and think about the transformation again. Even if Zack changes into something nasty or whatever, he's still my mate. I just hope he didn't change too much. I start to walk toward his room. Once I got there, I go to open the door, but decide against it. I'm sure Zack will scream or something when he sees what he has become. I just hope it's not too bad. I go to the kitchen and I'm given waffles. I eat my breakfast and perform my duties as the Alpha. I go around and greet everyone I see in the pack house. It was my job as the alpha to make sure everything is in order and the pack house is in peace. I also have to make sure the teenager or adult werewolves are following rules and regulations. As the alpha, it pains me to have to kick someone out. Everyone in this pack house is family. Well, not literally, obviously. I've had a few who became rogue and it pained me to have to let them go. I just can't have trouble in the pack house. For Zack, it'd be a special case. None of the rules are ever going to apply to him. Not until the full moon ceremony. But that can only happen if Zack is willing to go through with it. You might wondering what the full moon ceremony is. Well, I'll tell Zack later. You'll hear of it then. The full moon ceremony is tonight. He's going whether he likes it or not. So he knows what happens for our full moon ceremony. I look at the calendar and think about what will happen. Once our ceremony comes around, I'll be so happy. Anyway, while doing some paperwork, I suddenly hear a scream. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" It's Zack. I sigh and hope his transformation isn't too bad. I walk to his room and take a deep breath. I knock on the door and hear him say "If it's you Brian, get lost! I'm having problems at the moment!" I smile and say "Well, as the alpha and your mate, it is my job to make sure you and everyone else in the pack house is okay." He then says thought the door "I am not your mate! I never have and never will be!" I chuckle and say "Sorry, but the truth hurts. You're my mate and I am yours. And we're supposed to love and care for each other. And I know I do." Zack then says "Scram mutt! I don't care about you or love you" I then say "You will eventually. It takes time." He just stays silent. I sigh and say "I'm coming in Zack." He then pushes the door to keep it closed and says "No! You're not allowed!" I then say as I push the door "This is my room and I own this house. You can't say I'm not allowed." He then hides under the bed without me seeing the transformation. I mean, he looked unchanged to me. I chuckle and say "Come on Zack. Don't be childish and come out from under the bed." He then shouts at me "NO!" I then say "If you don't come out and let me see what's wrong, I'll drag you out from under there." He stays silent and I reach underneath the bed. I wasn't able to grab him. I go to the other side of the bed and try to grab him. I fail once again. I then say "Zack! Stop playing these games and let me help you!" He then says "No! I don't need your help! I don't need you!" I then lift up the bed and grabbed him. I put down the bed softly and look at him. The transformation. It made him so much better. So much cuter. He had white ears on his head and a white tail. I then say "I didn't think it was possible Zack, but you look so much cuter than you did before!" I hug him tightly as he struggles and I just tighten my grip. He then pushes my chest and I pull him closer to me and lick his cheek. Zack then says "So do you know what happened to me?" I finally put him down and say "Yes. This is from the treatment we gave you." He then asks "Treatment?" I nod my head and say "Yesterday, you had a terrible illness. A fatal one at that. And I just can't imagine losing you. Not after I waited so long to find you." He then backs up, but I grab his waist and pull it towards me. I set him on my lap and I continue. "In order to keep you alive, I used the Goddess' Tears to restore you back to health. I even prayed and met with the Goddess, which is a rare opportunity." He nods and says "This doesn't answer why I have a tail and ears." I then say "Let me finish." He nods and I continue. "She told me she'd let the tears not only heal you, but give you eternal life too. However, with every action, there is a consequence. In this case, it was a transformation." He nods. I then smile and kiss his lips, but it was only a peck. I then say "But I don't have any consequences. It may seem like one to you, but not to me! You're adorable!" He I then nuzzle into him more. He tries to push away, but I just push his hands to his side and hug him, pinning his arms to his sides. I then say "But I don't know what you are." He then says "What?" I continue and say "Usually the transformation would turn you into something completely different than what you are. You could turn into a werewolf, cat shifter, fox demon, but you turned into, well... This." He nods and I say "Not that it's a bad thing. Like I said, you're cuter. Cute, beautiful, and adorable." He then asks "So is there a way to find out what I am now?" I nod my head and say "We could go to the library and look through books of 'mythical' creatures." He nods his and said "Let's go then." I then say "But that has to wait. We need you to get ready for the full moon ceremony." He looks at me in confusion and asks "What's that?" See? I told you he'd ask. Anyway, I then hug him and say "It's when mates are promised to be together under the full moon's light. It's kind of what humans call marriage." His eyes go wide and he struggles to to get out of my hug and he says "I AM NOT MARRYING YOU!!!" I chuckle and say "It's not for us. At least not yet. It's only for those who have a willing mate. Christian and Blake had to wait around 20 years for their ceremony because Christian was never willing to go through with it. Just like you, he always tried to leave. He's escaped, he's been caught, he even tried to hire a werewolf hunter, but he always failed." Zack then says "Thanks for giving me ideas." I then chuckle and say "Yeah, unless you want killed." He looks at me in suspicion and asks "What's that supposed to mean?" I then say "You're not human anymore, so if they saw you, they'd most likely kill you too." He then says "Didn't you say I have eternal life now?" I then say "Well yes, but it's not really eternal. It's more of a time protection spell. You won't age anymore, you won't die from a wild animal attack, and you won't catch disease." He nods his head. I then say "Come on. Let's get you fed and we'll try to see if you fit any nice clothing." He just nods and I take his hand so we can go eat breakfast.

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