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I wake up with a great headache. My legs are killing me and so is my neck. I want water. I try to get up, but I can't. I spin to see what is holding me down. There I see Luke holding-- hugging my right arm. I look up to search for the other boys, and they are nowhere to be seen.

I hear faint noises of screams from afar. I bet they're peeing or something.

I spin back to face Luke, his eyes are completely closed, his hat is still on but it's out of place, and his lip-ring is still attached to his lip, he always takes it off before bed. Doesn't it hurt? I poke his cheek hoping he'll wake up.
He grunts and try to swat me away, but as soon as I stop him he grabbed my hand and pull me closer. I'm not a teddy bear, Luke. I pull my arm to free his grip and sit up, supporting my heavy, heavy head.

Slowly opening the car's trunk, I notice an awful smell. "What the hell is that?" I whisper to myself. I got off the car and grab Luke's hoodie he probably took off last night and wear it.
"Kat? Is that you?" I lightly swing my head towards the voice coming from the trees. "Michael? Wha-- Wait, did you... poop there?"

"What? No. The smell is from your hair." My hair? "What do you mean my-" I turn around to see my reflection from the car's tinted window "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!"

My hair is blonde! Blonde!! My signature brunette locks is gone! How??
"What happened?" I asked Michael, almost screaming. "Well, you were drunk..."

"Kat that's enough drinking for tonight okay le-"
"NO! More, I want more bottles of these things." I rattle the bottle in my hand violently, letting the content spill. "Katherine please, that is very much enough." I shake my head towards Luke's pleading.

"I know what I want to do!!" I scream slurly. "What is it?" Luke sighs and face Ashton, who is dangerously peeing near poisonous ivy.
"I wanna dye my hair like Michael's." Four pair of eyes landed on mine instantly. "What?" I snap,
"Well, you said you love your brunette hair or something like that you wouldn't change anything for a bit."

I drink the last drops of beer in my bottle and start to stutter words,
"Well fuck what old me said! We go big tonight!!!"

I sit in shock from what Michael told me. Was I really that drunk? No thanks to you, brain. I walk around trying to adjust the enviroment around me.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just-- walking around. Where are the others?" I walk towards a drinking fountain and see a bright yellow stains and white ones around the silver-ish sink.

Suddenly, I hear the car door open. Luke's legs sitting on the ground. "Morning," Michael and I said in unison. "Jinx!" He screamed.
"Sshhh, headache." I said, holding up my index finger on my lips. "Hi, morning guys."

Luke's eyes landed above my head. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. Blond suits you well, actually." He walk towards me slowly and kiss the top of my head and pat it.

I hear a phone ringing, and Michael picked it up. It was Calum. He was laughing and then not a moment later, his expression changed. He hung up and grabbed the keys to his car. "Guys we need to go, now."

He rushes us into his car and he starts it, going to god knows where.

hello i finally updated!!!!! i was on vacation and im prettt lazy sorry.

michael and luke pics in this story part attached xx (muke af)

ps : i just wanted to write a ps

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