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"bye mikey," i wave my hand at him then walk across the street with luke

"i still can't believe you beat me at fifa" says luke whilst rubbing his forehead "you lost to a girl. i don't see that often on a daily basis."

we laugh until we arrive at the front door. the front door of the house i grew up in

i knock on the door, knowing i don't have to press the bell–because it's 7pm and they're probably having dinner.

the door unlocks, and swung open. a figure i haven't seen in awhile, and i've missed so much "emily..?"

she then hugs me and hold me.
i haven't hugged my sister in awhile.

"oh my god, i've missed you. i've missed you so much,"

i hug her back, holding her like i haven't seen her in a thousand years

"i miss you too, lily."

she examines me at arms length "you're skinnier, did you eat? do you excercise on a daily basis? do you eat fruits as snacks like i told you? how's school?"

"lil, i just got here and i didn't plan to et a lecture,"

she huffs and pinches my cheek "answer me you dwarf"

"no, i'm not skinnier i got taller, yes i ate earlier at michael's, no i don't excercise why did you even ask, sometimes i eat fruits depends on the situation, school was great i think, my graduation's in a month and for the love of god get your hand of my cheek it's burning!"

she giggles and stops pinching. that hurts.

luke also giggles silently

"oh? who's this?"

"did you seriously not see him he's like 9 feet tall,"

"shut up. hi, i'm lily hollins"

he reaches out his hand and shook lily's "luke hemmings, nice to meet you ma'am."

"ma'am? oh gosh so polite, em you better be good because he's a keeper."

"lil what the heck, we're friends."

"since when? how come i do not know this?"

"since i move out, i have no friends near by, i'm tired going here to visit mike, so one day mikey went to luke's house, i went there too, so we hung out together ever since"

she smiles in approval, "well, that's nice you have a friend other then clifford."

"you still hate him huh,"


luke laughs softly, trying not to be rude. i laugh along with him

"come on then! come in, come in. mom is making dinner!"

we enter the house, my sister already gone to the kitchen. luke is walking behind me, closing the door as we enter

"hey lil i'll be in my room okay?"

"i'll call you when dinner's ready!"

i grab luke's hand and drag him up the stairs.

our house is pretty big, mom decided to keep this in the divorce because of the empty walls. she loves to paint the walls and put a framw around the painting, or just put up a painting.

"nice drawing, 'emilia, age 7'." luke points at a 'painting'. it's a doodle i did when i was a child

"oh shut up," he laughs in a giddy way

the halls in the house are like mazes, not in a creppy way, because there are alot of rooms without doors, only huge doorways.

we finally arrived at my room. the door says; IT'S NOT ABOUT THE RHYTHM IT'S ABOUT THE MEANING BEHIND IT

emo-phase me was not to be proud of.

i open the door, the scent of my old perfume hitting our noses.

"i love the smell of your room," he closes the door then roam around the room as i sit on my bed

he traces around my desk, the fire place, my door-less closet, the window, the pictures, scented candles, everything from my early teenage years.

"wow. you were so girly."

"i was not."

"were to."

"was not."

he walk towards me

"were to."

he comes closer to me

"was not."

he comes closer, and closer

"were to."

"was no—" "shut up."

he kisses me.

his hands on my face, as mine on his arms. his lips attached on mine, as mine on his.

he leans even more, making me pushed down the bed.

what is happening right now?

he pushes me up until my head was resting on the pillow, he continues to move his lips on mine, slowly trying to put his tounge in.

why am i accepting this?

"luke, em! dinner's ready!"

lily's voice echoes the room from the intercom by the door. i immediately open my eyes, and apparently so did luke.

our eyes meet and his lips was no longer on mine.

"uhh, we should uhm, eat dinner."

he coughs awkwardly, and pushes himself off of me "we reallly, uh–should."

"i'm gonna go"

"i'm right behind you." luke says, awkwardly whilst coughing here and there

why did that even happen?


we finish our meal. mom made steak, i don't know how, but it's delicious.

"so, emily, you don't go by katherine anymore?"

"katherine? since when exactly? why do i always miss the good stuff?"

"i always call mom whenever i get the chance. such shame i didn't call you."

lily pours the lemonade from the pitcher to my glass "just for that, i'm gonna make you hold for your pee on the way home."

"hey not fair!"

mom laughs softly, and so does luke. our eyes meet, then we look at the other direction

"well, we should get going"

"it's pretty late, why don't you stay the night?"

me and luke exchange some glances "sure. why not"

mom beams up as soon as i said yes "wonderful! luke, you can stay in the guestroom if you want, there are two guestrooms, you can choose."

"i don't want to be your burden," he says "i'll just sleep wherever emily is."

mom smiles at each other "you didn't tell me he's your boyfriend?"

"we're just friends." luke answers

"yeah, friends." i continue


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