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sorry i ended the last two chapters with dialogs lol i was in a hurry to draft them bc i wouldn't be able to write for a full month:(

but hey christmas holiday is around the corner so that's something(no... it's not really around the corner... but hey christmas)!!
stay gold (okay that was an ugly catchphrase...)


"flight 263 to los angeles will be boarding. please go to the assigned gate"

the lady in the com speaker announced our flight, i grab my bag and luke's guitar bag, dragging it onto my shoulder

"luke! we're about to board!" i said whilst walking to him

"okay okay one sec i'm paying,"

"hurry i don't want be late"

he then nuzzles my head and my hair turned into a mess "don't worry, we won't."

the cashier lady gave back luke's card then he puts it back in his wallet
i gave luke his huge bag as i adjust my tiny handbag

he fixed my hair, then grabbing our passports

"aw, you guys are so cute."

why do people always asume we are a couple? "oh no we're—"

"i'm not, she is, though." luke says then giving her the biggest grin

i huff and just accept this fate of mine

"well, becareful you guys, have a nice flight." the lady said

luke nods then grabbing me by my hand, locking it. i didn't say i hate it when people assume we're a couple, but then again that doesn't sound very right.

oh, and the fact luke said he loves me, that keeps haunting me untill now. everytime he speaks, or just breathes– gave me a mini heart attack. why? because i'm scared that'll be another confession. and right now my tiny fragile heart couldn't take it

"hey guys," ashton chimed

luke then un-did his hand from mine, and reach out his phone, then record a video with ashton
calum and mike are sitting at a corner playing a multiplayer game through their phone— because their portable gaming console are already packed in the suitcase–which are checked-in.

"nooo!" calum screams, making some people turn their heads

"ha! you fucking suck" michael taunt cal and drops his phone on the carpeted floor "oh hey em!" he then smiles and continue to taunt calum

i sit on the empty seat near cal and mike, lounging myself

"flight 263 are ready to board at the assigned gate"
the com lady says.

we all grab our belongings and walk towards the gate. ashton seems to be on the phone, i don't know who.
luke then nudge me by my shoulder making me snap back to the now
"you okay?"

i nod "it's just– i'll be so far away from home, from australia. i don't think i can survive without kangaroos hopping around in my backyard" (i'm not even kidding... there are always kangaroos in my backyard lol)

he then laughs and put an arm around me "don't worry. we won't be staying at a hotel room. we rented a house for 3-4 months, maybe you'll get used to it."

i don't know why, but whenever luke tries to calm me down, it always worked. huh.

we are now in the airplane, it's a big plane, obviously. we are seated at the first class. me and luke are next to each other—as always

calum and michael sitting next to each other, still playing their stupid game. ashton just casually sits next to a random girl, whom i rate 8/10. not gonna lie, if i were a boy i would hit that.


it's been four hours.

we have done nothing but binge watch the simpsons on calum's computer, whilst eating some chips and drinking some good ol' soda

luke is right beside me, cuddled up and cozy, under a blanket. his nose is red and his cheeks looks a bit blue, maybe because of the cold air conditioner from above our heads.


i hum answering him

"can you tell me a story?"

"what story?" i asked, shifting myself closer towards this man-child

"the story of how, why, when you changed your name. and add the backstory"

seriously? of all the other interesting things i went through he chose that? wow. wow, way to go.

"i'm not comfortable to discuss that subject, and you already know the point of why and when."

he shifts even closer to me and lay his head on my shoulder "well if it bothers you then don't tell"

"okay i'll tell"

"what the fuck," he blurted

"i'm gonna tell you because you told me not to."

"i hate you." he said whilst pouting

"no you don't."

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