2. Thomas

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"I fall too hard
Too quickly
And that is
My biggest
-ruby dhal

"I fall too hardToo quicklyAnd that is My biggestProblem"-ruby dhal

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"I don't think I like romance novels as much as I thought I would." Thomas rubbed his temples and put his book on the side table.

"Headache?" his mom placed a steaming cup of tea next to his discarded book, A Court of Wings and Ruin.

"More like a head annoyance." he murmured, he knew the difference between a normal head pain and a serious one. He rested his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. "These romance novels are so unrealistic, the main character is willing to put their life on the line for some guy she just met. Then repeatedly does so." he rubbed his eyes with his fists.

"Isn't this the book about faeries?" she picked up the book, tossing it back and forth in between her hands.

"Well, yes." he looked at their horrible popcorn ceiling as his mind whirled.

"Well, that makes it utterly impossible for it to be unrealistic doesn't it?" she took a seat on the adjacent couch to him, trying her best not to look too concerned. Thomas rolled his eyes and eventually lifted his head and reached for the tea.
"You know what is realistic?" she reached over and placed her hand on Thomas's blanket covered knee.
"Real people. Have you thought any more about going to that support group?" Thomas took a long drink of his tea, no doubt stalling for more time to answer.

"Do you really think I need a support group?" he asked quietly.

"Well, what do you think? Use that big brain of yours." his mind searched for the statistics behind support groups and sick teens.

"There have been studies that show that support groups help people learn better coping strategies, grow through shared experiences, focus on self care, and maintain a sense of hope." he replied quietly, suddenly he found his tea very interesting and he couldn't pull his eyes away.

"So? Any of that sound appealing?" she raised a brow at him and he could tell this was the time for a decision.

"Do you think I need any of those things? Do I have no hope?" she moved from the separate couch and sat next to Thomas. He set his tea back down and let out a long sigh.

"I think you cope differently than other people, honey," she said quietly. "but that doesn't mean you have no hope. Maybe you just need to find someone who's been through something like this. I think you'll be happy." he leaned his head over and rested it on her shoulder.

"I am happy." he tried quietly. Jess relaxed and slowly stroked his hair.

"I know you are sweetie, I want to see you make friends." he could never explain the feeling of bliss he experienced while being held by his mother. He felt safe and loved and wanted.

"But what if I want to grow up to be a book hermit." his mother laughed breathlessly and continued soft, loving strokes through his hair.

"Well, maybe try one meeting. Talk to one person and if you don't like it then you don't have to go back."

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