20. Newt

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"In a world that is only
one among many others
sheltering more than
7 billion people in
innumerable countries
cities, towns and villages
who cross paths with
one another at various
points in their lives,
I refuse to believe
that meeting you was
just a coincidence"

"In a world that is onlyone among many otherssheltering more than7 billion people ininnumerable countriescities, towns and villageswho cross paths withone another at variouspoints in their lives,I refuse to believethat meeting you wasjust a coinci...

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The air tasted of salt, as if maybe he'd just been for a swim in the ocean and the taste of the water still touched his lips. Maybe it was the bitterness he'd been feeling finally break through the surface. Though, when he woke up he was in the hospital bed again. The monitors were the only thing that reminded him that he was still alive, and when he opened his eyes he wasn't surprised when he was completely alone.

His body was too tired to move, and he felt as though an elephant had firmly made its home in the middle of his chest. His eyes took in his surroundings, and because he wasn't under 18 anymore, he was placed in the drab depressing room of an adult. The walls were bare except for the tv that had been mounted in the corner of the room and the monitors behind him. He closed his eyes again, the only thing he really wanted to do was cry. All the self pity that had built up was threatening to take over again but he found himself too exhausted to even cry.

He was vaguely aware of the sound of heels clicking on the floor, ever so slightly growing louder with each oncoming step.

"Newt?" He recognized his mother's voice immediately and he opened his eyes. She looked even more exhausted than usual, and her hair which was so often pulled back in a neat bun, hung loose and messy down her back. She smiled at him, a sad mournful look that made Newt's heart ache. He blinked slowly at her and reached his hand toward her, beckoning her to his side. Every breath was like a gasp for air while he shifted in his bed to make room for her. Finally, when she took her place in the bed, she gave him the comfort that he had longed for for so long. His head rested on her chest and her arm wrapped around his frail body so tightly she must've thought he was going to disappear.

"How are you feeling?" She asked softly, and from the sound of her voice he knew that she must have been crying. He didn't answer her, he couldn't find the words to tell her that he felt lower than dog shit on the sidewalk. Though, he supposed he didn't really need to say anything because his chest was still heaving from the effort of moving.
"You're going to be okay." She murmured, rubbing his back comfortingly and placing a soft kiss on his head.

"I'm so tired." He croaked, relishing in the scent of her and the warmth he got from her body.

"I know." She said, her voice cracking on the last word. "You can make it through this." She whispered into his hair. Newt was silent for a long time, and he thought he might have been able to fall asleep again when a thought occurred to him.

"I saw dad." It was his moms turn to be quiet now. His father had been the one love of her life, and after he had died she'd never been with anyone else, never saw it necessary. She never even spoke about him. Newt was relishing in her warmth, so much that he hadn't even noticed her hand has stopped moving on his back.

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