5. Thomas

525 15 41

Darkness seems
To run away from
me these days
And I am okay,
Starless nights
were never meant
For dreamers anyway .

Darkness seems To run away from me these daysAnd I am okay, Starless nights were never meant For dreamers anyway

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No matter how many times he visited a hospital, Thomas would never get used to the smell. Sterilization and something metallic that he didn't want to begin to think about where it came from. Thankfully, a long time ago he acquired a pair of sound proof head phones. The sound of his own heart beat on the monitor drove him mad a long time ago, but now he was doomed to hear his heart beating in his own chest. Not even the best headphones could prevent that. So he lay in his bed, curled up on one side and refusing to open his eyes. He knew that his parents were there, on some level at least but he couldn't focus. The pain in his head was something he knew all too well and now it was happening again. He hoped that he was wrong about this, probably one of the only times he had ever actually hoped to be wrong. He felt a hand on his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open. A man stood at the foot of his bed and he removed his head phones and sat up.

"Where's Dr. Monica?" he asked, his voice was rough and sounded like gravel.

"Maternity leave. I've been in charge of her cases while she's gone." he said, flipping through
what he assumed was his medical chart.

"Oh." he mumbled. While he was happy for her, excited even, he couldn't help but wish she had been there to provide some added comfort to him. So he could see a familiar face.

"Okay, Thomas." he pulled a circular swivel chair up and sat down. They were still in the ER and he was acting casually, as though they were at a normal doctor's check up and there was nothing wrong at all.
"How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10?" Thomas sighed and rubbed his eye in frustration.

"6, or 7 maybe." he yawned. It had been around 2am when Thomas woke up, and now it was 3:30 and the pain had yet to subside. The highest number he had ever given on the pain scale was an 8, back when he was 14, the numbers 9 and 10 needed to be reserved for something greater, something he had yet to feel.

"He has a high pain tolerance." Jess butted in.

"Mom," Thomas shot her a warning look. He wasn't in any kind of mood for this.

"Okay, any nausea?" The man didn't look up from his clipboard once while he was talking to Thomas and for some reason that annoyed him. This balding man was slowly becoming his new target of hatred.

"No, can you just scan my damn brain and tell me if I have a fucking-"

"Thomas!" it was his dad this time and Thomas snapped his mouth closed instantly. He know he crossed a line there and at the same time, he didn't care. He frowned at his father and finally bald man stood from the chair and tucked the clipboard under his arm.

"Hold tight and someone will come get you for your scan." he took a peak at Thomas's monitor where his heart rate and temperature was listed. He wrote a few things down and then pushed the curtain back and left.

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