6. Newt

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(Did I make a Newt Playlist? Absolutely

"Talk to me in darkness
in the fragile hours
between night and day
talk to me in whispers
with your eyes closed and
your mouth inches away,
talk to me in darkness
because that is where
I will hear what you
have to say."

Newt had a perfectly boring life

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Newt had a perfectly boring life. That's what he like to tell himself because he was 18, high school graduate and living at home. He didn't have a job, mostly because him mom wouldn't let him get a job no matter what he said. She worked as a night shift ER doctor at the hospital and got to see all of the "fun stuff" as she always put it. He didn't really want to know what she meant by this, and made it a point never to ask.

Because she works nights, that meant Newt was basically home alone all day which as it turns out was very lonely. It meant that he spent too much time and cooped up in his room, which as fate may have it, was a complete mess. He heard once that someone's room was a physical representation of their mind which now that he thought about it doesn't make any sense.
His room was a small pit of despair, dirty laundry on the floor, and band posters on his wall. He particularly favored Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, and occasionally Cage the Elephant. A pair of dirty worn down black converse sat lamely by his door, but Newt laid down on his bed where his feet - or foot- hung off of the end. He slept in a twin sized bed despite his 6'3 frame. He never really pictured himself growing up this much. He'd always figured that after he was diagnosed, that he would die off just like almost every other cancer kid.

When he found out that he would have to lose his leg, he almost begged the doctor to just let him die off instead. Which was incredibly selfish he knew, but the things of never being able to do normal things like run or jump, or ride a bike normally killed him. Before he was sick he was an avid runner. He was on the track team for his highschool and he was good, great even because he went to state every year and placed in the top 5 almost every time.
He was so positive that when they took his leg they took his will and his happiness along with it. He pushed his friends away, Minho and Alby, and apparently was very successful with it too because they haven't talked to him in almost a year. He wasn't sure what was more upsetting for him, that he pushed his old friends away or the fact that they had stayed gone. It's like they were just waiting for an excuse to get rid of him, and they finally gotten their wish.
Teresa was the only one stubborn enough to stick around. He was pretty sure that she had tried to hit on him during their first encounter, something Newt shut down right away. He was very much gay, always knew he was and nothing was stopping that. Not even cute brunettes.

Speaking of cute brunettes, he particularly liked the shy ones that had moles and freckles on their face. He could spot a sexually confused boy in a crowd from a mile away and Thomas fit the description like a glove. Not that that mattered, he wasn't one to push someone into something that they're confused about. He could wait for him to figure it out on his own.
From purely what he had told Newt, he didn't seem very social and especially didn't act like it. He often took too long to respond when Newt talked to him and he made it a habit not to make eye contact, and if he did it wasn't for very long. He smiled to himself, Thomas was one of the most pure people he had ever met, he didn't seem like he had ever said no to anyone in his life and he distinctly reminded Newt of a baby deer or maybe a puppy- a kitten?
As if on queue, his own cat, Button, hopped onto his bed and settled herself in the middle of Newt's stomach.

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