13. Newt

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I will never justify myself
for feeling.

(A/N: be prepared-very long chapter)

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(A/N: be prepared-very long chapter)

Thomas's parents were surprisingly okay with the fact that Newt had showed up unannounced with his cat in his arms. He wasn't unannounced, but Button was. They'd allowed her in their home without a second thought. He'd apologized and apologized over and over for it, because when he stormed out of his own house he wasn't thinking straight when he had grabbed her. She had immediately taken a liking to Thomas though, and frequently sat in his lap or at his bedside when Newt wasn't there himself. Which wasn't very often.

"Newt?" Thomas said one morning while they were still in bed.

"Hmm?" he replied, eyes still closed as he fought between sleep and consciousness.

"When were you going to tell me that your birthday was today?" he asked, and Newt cracked his eyes open in surprise.

"What?" he asked, not because he couldn't hear him but he was purely surprised. "How did you even find that out?" his eyes were searching the face that he would never get tired of looking at.

"You should log out of your apps when you give your things away." he said simply, his lips curving into a tired smile.

"Oh," he let out a soft laugh and ran his thumb over Thomas's cheek.

"Were you going to tell me?" he asked, his fingers tucked under the back of his shirt and up his spine.

"Probably not." he admitted blowing some of his hair out of his eyes with a sharp breath.


"I never really celebrate it." He shrugged, and though he said it wasn't the whole truth. His mom would usually take him out to some kind of dinner and give him some kind of gift card and that'd be that.

"Hm," Thomas hummed, his hand moving from Newt's back to his chest, his toes curled when his finger grazed his nipple and he gnawed on the inside of his cheek. "It's a good thing I got you a present then," he said, his chilled hand resting over Newt's heart which had started racing.

"You didn't have to do that." Newt said, though he was grateful. He wanted to know instantly what he had gotten him.

"I wanted to." he replied, though he made no move to get up and retrieve it. "Do you think your mom would come over?"

"What? Why?" he asked, his brows pulling together in confusion.

"If we had a dinner for you?" Newt contemplated this and wondered if she would see this as undermining her. Because she had been the one who had always done that for him, made sure he had something to do for his birthday, some kind of gift.

"Well, what if we went out somewhere instead?" he asked him, because maybe meeting on some sort of mutual ground would help settle some tensity that his mother would potentially bring to the table. Thomas seemed to contemplate this over in his head. He hadn't been out of the house since he'd returned from surgery, and Newt wasn't completely sure as to why. Maybe he was insecure about that shaved part of his head even though the hair had begun to grow back in that short prickly way, though it was nowhere near the length of the rest of his hair.

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