14. Thomas

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How do you go back
to being the best part
of the person
you once were
while holding on
to the best part
of what you
have become?

How do you go backto being the best partof the personyou once werewhile holding onto the best partof what youhave become?

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When Thomas woke the next morning, his mind was warm with the thoughts of the night before. He felt the warmth in his heart and the tingles all the way down to his toes but the only thing that was missing was the warmth of another person by his side.

He was utterly alone. It only took him a second to realize this, then he noticed a crumpled napkin on his night stand. He propped himself on his elbow and reached for the napkin that held what looked to be Newt's chicken scratch.

Hey love,
I tried to wake you but didn't think you'd remember what I said. Mom wants to take me out today for a bite. I'll be back around midafternoon. I love you princess,
Love, Newt xx

He smiled briefly and set the napkin back down on the nightstand and then pulled out the iPod Newt had made for him and turned over on his other side. He hit shuffle and shoved the earbuds in his ears, letting the sounds of unfamiliar music fill his mind and cloud his thoughts. He closed his eyes, focusing on the music as he laid in bed. He was completely content with his life right now, and it was all because of Newt. Life could absolutely be better than it was now, if he wasn't sick then maybe he would be doing something else in life, maybe he would have his own place and his own job. He cracked open his eyes, remembering something he had told Newt and suddenly moved to grab the laptop he had stored under his bed.

He had graduated high school early, and he could easily be classified as a genius if he chose to be, but labels were labels, and he chose not to use any. When the screen came to life, his unfinished application to University of Tennessee sat in front of him. Because of Newt, he finished the application finally and hit submit. Despite what he may have said before, he never really saw himself doing anything besides being in this house, spending what remained of his days keeping his mother company. Though, because of that conversation he hit submit. The general screen of congratulations popped up, telling him congrats on sending your application you are now subject to thousands of dollars of student debt!

It would all be worth it though, because he would get his degree, and then perhaps another because he was being reminded how much his education had actually meant to him. He wanted to expand his knowledge even further and this was the first step. He slapped the laptop closed and returned it to its spot under the bed. He figured it would be an okay time to finally drag himself out of bed and he made his way down the stairs, where he met the faded smell of coffee and sausage. He pushed open the door to the kitchen and saw his mother there, a plate of food by her side as she turned the page of her book, not seeming to notice him.

His first step was to the coffee maker, and he poured himself a cup, the heat of the liquid warming his hands through the mug as he held it. He couldn't help but enjoy this, the time he spent with his mother, barely acknowledging each other's existence. Just as he was about to bring the mug to his lips his mother jumped and slapped the book to the countertop in surprise.

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