7. Newt

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(A/N: outfit inspo for later on ;))

I cannot change what
But I can promise you this
Things will get better
The sun will shine
Your tears will quieten
Your heart will not hurt
And everything will slowly
Fall back into place
Even better than before

I cannot change what happened But I can promise you thisThings will get betterThe sun will shineYour tears will quietenYour heart will not hurtAnd everything will slowlyFall back into placeEven better than before

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He never hung up the phone before he fell asleep, and he almost regretted it the next morning when Thomas woke him up at 7:30. He cracked one of his eyes open and peeked at the camera. The screen was moving rapidly, swishing around as if he'd dropped the phone. Newt himself looked crazy, his blond hair stuck out in multiple places and you could see Button  in the background, her tail swishing back and forth from the shelf she sat on.

"Sorry." Thomas held the phone low, and Newt's  guess that he'd dropped the phone seemed to be correct. He huffed and rubbed one of his eyes. "Did I wake you up?"

"It's okay." he said, his voice still rough with sleep. Thomas sat with his back to the head board, it was a light wooden color that Newt didn't have a name for.

"Thanks for staying up with me last night." Thomas told him. He still had yet to move from his spot and barely cracked his eyes open when  Thomas spoke. Part of him didn't want to miss this. This was the part of Newt that breathed for Thomas. Because he knew after that first  conversation with Thomas that he wanted - no he needed to know this boy. The other part of Newt was simply tired, both mentally and physically.

"Of course." He mumbled. His shirt had balled up sometime during the night and from the looks of it, Thomas wasn't even wearing one.
"Why are you up so early?" He asked, his voice huskier than usual and he blew some of his hair out of his face. His limbs were too tired to move

"It's not early." Thomas replied. Newt's eyes flickered to the time again and then back at Thomas.

"I hate to see what you define as early then." He grumbled and finally turned to lay on his back. His room was still dark, though that might be because of the navy blue he'd decided to paint it when he was younger. He never used to make the best decisions- he still doesn't.

"When are you coming over?" Thomas asked. Newt stretched his arms over his head and heard a few satisfying pops throughout his body.

"When do you want me to come over?" He replied.

"I think mom's already started cooking, so sometime soonish—is that a cat?" He asked, his face coming very close to the screen as if that'd help him see it better.

"Yes." he laughed and made those kissy sounds people often make towards small animals. Button gracefully jumped from her perch and jumped on Newt's bed.

"Aw, she's so cute!" Thomas cooed as she rubbed herself against Newt's body. He lazily pet her head and her back, his eyes falling closed again. Button purred and he faintly heard Thomas cooing for her somewhere in the background of his sleepy haze. He felt himself drifting off to sleep again, his hand rested on his chest and the other had long since stopped moving along Button's fur.

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