11. Thomas

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Thomas finally went home three days later

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Thomas finally went home three days later. He was so excited to finally say good bye to that uncomfortable hospital bed and be in the comfort of his own room. Even though exhaustion comes in waves, he couldn't help the feeling of loneliness in his soul. He slept in his own bed in his own room in his own clothes just like he'd always done but this time something felt different. He was alone. It was a foreign feeling.

The TV that was mounted to his wall played the on screen adaptation of All Bright Places, but he couldn't even watch. It wasn't even because the movie had done no justice to the book, it was that Newt had not been over since he was released from the hospital. It was partially his own fault, he hadn't invited him over one time but in his defense, he slept most days and nights, though when he was awake he made no effort to contact him. When he was awake he tried to eat as much as he could. Carbs, fats, the whole 9-yards since he fell victim to drastic weight loss during his chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

He missed his books. He missed living in a different world to escape his own. The words on the pages blurred together now and made his head hurt. That was one of the worse things about this whole thing. He had to live through it. Had to be conscious through it all. He was trapped in his own head.

He thought about the kiss with Newt. He wondered if it meant the same thing to him as it did to Thomas and it wasn't just some way to fulfill potentially dying boy's wish. It didn't help that he had practically begged for it. 'oh please kiss me in case I parish. Oh please dear sweet Newt.' he wanted to gag just thinking about it. It was probably better this way anyway, one less heartbreak.

"Thomas, honey are you up?" there was a gentle knock on the door before it was pushed open.

"Yeah." he replied softly, though he didn't move to greet her.

"I made you some tea." At the sound of that he pushed himself into a sitting position. She looked as she normally did, except somehow much older and more tired.

"Thank you." he rasped, pushing some strands of hair out of his eyes. He sipped at the tea and he felt it slide down his throat and warmed him from the inside out. She took a seat on the edge of the bed and folded her hands in her lap. He could feel her eyes on him before he looked up.
"What?" he asked, his lips twitching into a frown.

"How's Newt doing?" she asked, and Thomas blinked in surprise, this was the last thing he had expected her to say.

"Um, good, I guess. I haven't talked to him today." or yesterday, or the day before that.

"You should invite him over." his phone buzzed on the table as if on cue, Newt's name lighting up the screen.

"Answer it." she said nodding her head toward the phone. The whole phasing out thing would have worked a whole lot better without his mother's interference. He sighed, set his cup down and answered the phone.

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