4. Thomas

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"In this lifetime
will I ever
come across someone
who will naturally
see through
this flesh and bone
straight into my soul,
Will I?"

"In this lifetimewill I evercome across someone who will naturally see through this flesh and bone straight into my soul,Will I?"

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Thomas talked to Newt more than he'd like to admit. Innocent text messages only once every 900 seconds or so, not a problem. The problem was when the topic shifted from books to the real world. Like Newt's favorite color, or Thomas's favorite meal. Then Thomas realized that he was obviously a giant loser for not having a favorite star constellation- because obviously everyone does.

Apparently Newt's was called Draco, because apparently he was a huge simp for Draco Malfoy- that's what Newt said and Thomas would never admit that he actually had to Google it. Simp, not Draco Malfoy. He was embarrassingly up to date on his Harry Potter fan base knowledge. He once took the sorting hat quiz for Stevie, he was a Hufflepuff, no big deal.
Thomas was meant to find his own favorite constellation, his own favorite group of stars? He didn't see the point in that. He'd never really desired the back stories of the stars, never bothered to learn them. It's fascinating how meeting new people can broaden your horizons.

There was another support group meeting tonight, and Thomas planned on going and of course had to tell Newt this as well. He remembered it as a distinct reminder of Thomas gracing him with his presence, a classic for sure.

N: I have a telescope if you're feelin like star gazin

T: that's kind of cheesy right?

N: maybe but aren't we supposed to share passions with each other?

Thomas pressed his phone to his chest at that and let his hands fall dramatically to his sides. How would you respond to that?

T: well I happen to be very passionate about ice cream

N: I happen to have a good ice cream shop by my house

T: then I guess I'm in

N: it's a date ;)

Thomas tossed his phone to the side this time, he really wouldn't respond. Now, now he was going to have to find something decent to wear that was not overdressed for the support group, but not underdressed for going to Newt's. As much as he sounded like those over dramatic teen girls in the movies- that's exactly how he felt.

"Mom, can I take the car tonight?" He called from his usual spot on the couch. He would die there if he could help it, he was too attached to the spot on the couch and was fairly positive his ass print was permanently imprinted there.

"Why?" It sounded like she was in the kitchen again, making god knows what.

"Uhh, I'm going to a-uh- friends house tonight after the meeting." Her head popped around the corner then and Thomas had to refrain from his eye roll.

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