9. Newt/Thomas

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I will not believe
it is love
until I can
feel it in my

I will not believeit is loveuntil I can feel it in my bones

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Newt had always been told how long surgery was, but he never had to experience waiting for someone else to come out of surgery. It was taking so long, how long was it supposed to take? He was sitting in a chair in the waiting room, he didn't want to intrude on Thomas's parents but he couldn't go home. Not now. His head was leaned back in an uncomfortable angle and he was listening to music louder than he should be. He must have fallen asleep at some point, head tilted back and his mouth was open and  releasing soft snores. This was not the most glorified way of sleeping or sitting for that matter. He sat with his legs wide open and his hands were resting open palmed in his lap.

"Hey, kid." someone shook his shoulder and he shot up to a sitting position, ripping out his earbuds as he sat up. He rubbed one of his ears and cleared his throat. When he was woken up, he snorted loudly, and painfully. And embarrassingly.
"Woah, sorry," Newt recognized the man as Thomas's dad. Tall and dirty blond with broad shoulders, an immediately respectable man of course.

'Oh, it's okay." he said sheepishly. " I didn't realize I fell asleep." He rubbed the back of his neck and stood up. "Is Thomas out of surgery?" he asked still wildly unaware of the time and only vaguely aware of where he was.

"Um, no he's not. Jess asked me to get some things from the house." he said, and Newt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Noah cleared his throat and shuffled his feet.

"Okay.." Newt replied slowly, unsure of where this was going.

"Do you want to come?" Newt ran his fingers through his hair and sat back in his chair. "I was going to get coffee, pick up dinner.."

"oh, sir, I can stay here." Noah lifted his hand and Newt immediately closed his mouth.

"No, come with me. I'd like to get to know you a little bit and honestly if you don't come with me then I'll never hear the end of it." Newt smiled and pushed himself to his feet. That made a little more sense now that he knew that Thomas's mom was behind it.

"Okay, then." he said with a smile. "Lead the way, sir." They walked down the corridors of the hospital quietly and he didn't know if that was because he didn't know what to say or because he didn't want their conversation to be lost in the sounds of the hospital. They approached the car and Newt climbed inside after he unlocked the doors.

"So," Noah said after he started the car. "you guys met at support group. Is that right?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." his fingers tapped nervously on his pants. "I had brought a book that night that I had been reading and he commented on it. I saw him again the next day at Barnes and Noble reading the same book and talked to him about it. I gave him my number, I wanted to know what he thought about it." A total lie, an obvious lie, of course.

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