3. Thomas

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"I have forgotten
what it is like
to be gentle
with my heart."
-ruby dhal

(A/N: there are some political ideations on sexualization in this chapter

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(A/N: there are some political ideations on sexualization in this chapter. Please do not assume that there are my views, they are simply Thomas's thoughts and/or confusions)

Of course the first thing Thomas did when he got home was order the book he saw Newt holding. He was always up for a new read and the fact that Newt- never mind. Amazon apparently didn't offer next day delivery on that particular book, to Thomas's dismay, so he'd wait the two or three days it would take for the book to arrive in the mail. He supposed that he may as well finish his current series in the mean time.
He also found he spent most of his time watching Stevie. He seemed to have a well enough time on his own, complete solitude. Just living the dream in his tank.
Thomas sighed. He was finally ready to admit that he was, in fact, bored. He tossed his head back on the head rest of the couch, his hair flopped back as well, it was horribly shaggy and overgrown. He had been taking advantage of the fact that he could actually grow it out now, along with a good layer of facial hair that made him look about four years older than he actually was. He was both taking advantage of the ability to grow hair and he was being lazy. He had no real desire to cut it, he tried not to blame it on the fact that the longer his hair was, the better it hid his surgery scar.
As if on a second thought, he reopened his computer and cancelled the book he ordered. It seemed popular enough that it had to be at a book store.

"Mom!" he called, without moving from his spot on the couch.

"Yeah, what do you want, Thomas?" she asked, and by the sounds of it, she seemed to be in the kitchen.

"Can I take the car?" she walked in the room then, her heels clicking loudly on the hard wood floor.

"Where are you taking it? Its curfew is 7 y'know." Thomas rolled his eyes and peered up at his mother.

"That one was really bad." he said, in reference to her lame excuse of a joke.

"I take them when can get them." she shrugged and leaned both hands on the couch.

"I want to go to Barnes and Noble."

"Oh, I'll go with you I need to get some groceries." Thomas rubbed his eye and looked at his mother.

"You don't have to come, y'know." Thomas tried. " I have a license. I know how to drive." he continued to list fact after fact as to why he should be able to go alone.

"Nonsense." Jess replied, shrugging as if she didn't know he was trying to get rid of her. "We need things for dinner. Go have a shower and be ready in 20 minutes." Thomas groaned and rolled off of the couch, stalking up to his room.

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