I didn't ask for it

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Gender neutral
Sensitive reader
Pov starts at 4th year :))
Stressed Mione stressed Mione

3rd person Pov

Y/N didn't see their lover Hermione since since breakfast so they/them decided to bring her favorite food and some random ones.

When they/them couldn't find her in the common room, they/them decided to go to the library.

When they/them was trying to look for the bushy haired girl. She saw her in the corner, her nose stuck in a book.

So they/them swiftly slide next to their lover and said

"Hello my love" they/them said as they/them pecked Hermione's forehead. "Here I brought you some food" they said hander the food.

"Love not now. I'm trying to study" she said irritated.

Their smile falters a bit but nonetheless still they smile "Granger you didn't even eat breakfast today"

"Y/N please I'm trying to study can you please just go" she whispered shouted at them still her eyes on the book.

Now their wearing a frown "c'mon love you need to eat. I don't want you to-" they/them was cut off as Hermione whispered shouted

"Y/N can't you see I'm busy! I didn't ask for this so just go!" She felt a pang of guilt as she saw her lover hastily walked away not even sharing a second glance.

When she saw the food that her lover bought her, her stomach growled as she saw her favorite food lying there. So she ate it. Oh how she needs to apologize to her lover.


Dinner at the great hall

Hermione Pov:
When I walked in the great hall I tried to look for my lover but when I didn't see them I just sat next to Ginny and asked her.

"Oh they just left when they saw you come in. Is something wrong with the two of you?" I felt a pang of guilt again as I said

"Well there's something we- I need to apologize" I took of hurriedly to go to my and Y/N's shared dorm.

When I got there they/them was already tucked in bed. You can hear them snore softly when you got closer to them.

I didn't want to sleep without Y/N by my side so I changed in to my nightgown then moved into the bed next to Y/N cuddling into them and inhaling the scent I missed for a short time.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean it. I was just so stressed. I so sorry love. I love so so much" I said as I drift of to sleep moving impossibly close to them.

"I love you too Hermione Jean Granger"

Word count: 449
Many people do this so I literally don't know who's the author who got the original idea

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