Yule Ball (2)

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Okay so last update for today and I wouldn't update tomorrow.

Hermione Pov:

It was the day of the yule ball and I could help but think about the action that Y/N left me with at the Gryffindor common room.

I don't know why but all I felt was my heart dropping to my stomach.

"Hey Mione" Ginny greeted me as she entered the girls dorm.

"Why are you frowning? Shouldn't you be estatic that Viktor Krum is your date to the yule ball?!" She said bewildered.

"I know but I was waiting for Y/N to ask me but he didn't so I just said yes to Viktor's offer" I whined at the thought.

Ginny Pov:

"Did he tell you something last night?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I didn't hear it clearly" she said as she faced me with her periwinkle dress.

"Godric, Hermione you're smart but you're not smart enough to know that this boy has feelings for you. You both are oblivious and the next thing you know you two just say that you're affectionate to each other. Well dear best friend it does not work like that because you two clearly like each other so stop whining and have a great time" I scolded her as I stand up and put my hands on my hips.

"Merlin's beard you sounded like you mother" she laughed as we entered the great hall.

Everyone's eyes was on Hermione, I studied the great hall to find Y/N only to see that he was concentrated on his partner.

The one that Hermione always loathed,

Pansy Parkinson

I turned to look at Hermione, when I saw her eyes where it was darting from where I saw Y/N and Parkinson talking.

I saw sadness in her eyes and when she noticed that I was looking at her she immediately shrugged it off.

Viktor Krum was waiting intently down the stairs as Hermione walks carefully with me as we descend.

Krum took her hand and bowed Infront of her while kissing her hand as I go beside Harry.

"I thought Y/N would be her date" Harry mumbled quietly.

"I know right" Ron spat.


Y/N Pov:

I got tired of dancing so I decided to go to the astronomy tower.

It was silence, a silence I can bare as I watch the stars.

I lay down on the cold floor and look at the stars.

Humming softly

(A/N: so I wrote a poem and when I listened to a beat it matches but I'm not gonna sing it for you cause my voice is junk)

Touch like burning flare
Eyes like a shining star
Auburn hair like old leaves that fall in air
Crinkling eyes when you smile bright
Pink plump lips that I stare too much

Ooh, sunlight rays that fits perfectly at your pretty face~

Mmm, dark brown eyes that's romantic and fly~

A strand of your hair falls right Infront of you, and your delicate soft hands move it away while I admire your face

If anything

If anything

Let me admire you before you go in my arms

Mmm, sunset between the hills that hits your glowing eyes~

"Y/N?" A voice said behind me interrupting my silence.

"Yes?" I ask softly not going anywhere as I know it's the girl I was talking about in a song.

She didn't answer back so I stood up and turned around, and to my surprise she was already standing Infront of me.

She hugged me, tightly like I would disappear.

She said three words through my chest muffled, never letting me go as my heart could only flutter.

"I love you"

I smiled as I cup her face to look at me directly and said softly.

"I love you too"

Word count: 635
Okay let me tell you I got bored and lazy.

Anyways please read the remake of my book thank you so much for 7.02k reads and 303 votes


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