Silent Treatment

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Beach day
Gender neutral
You and Mione are rivals

Hermione Pov:

Me and Y/N were rivals in a game.

They were winning, 23-22.

Merlin's, how do I make them lose.

"Yeah! Match point!" They beamed as my team groaned in annoyance.

"Oh c'mon Mione, don't be such a sore loser" Y/N cocickly said, fist bumping with George.

"Oh I'll show you sore loser. If you win no sex for a month" I said with a smug grin.

"That's cheating!" They shouted with a bewildered face and I just chuckled.

And that's how we ended up winning.



Now me and Y/N have changed our clothes to casual ones.

We were buying ice cream near our cabin that all of us were staying but we all had seperating rooms.

Me and Y/N shared a room being a couple.

Lavender and Ron, Harry and Ginny and of course, the Weasley twins share the other room.

"One cookies and cream ice cream in a cup please" Y/N said pulling out some pounds out of their pocket.

"Thank you" they said as they get their ice cream and put the exact money onto the vendors hand.

"Baby where's mine?" I asked but they just ate their ice cream and walk away.

Oh's the silent treatment.

"Wait Y/N!" I shouted as they walked away.


Me and Y/N were now in our room..and their still giving me the silent treatment.

Merlin's beard I don't like this.






"Ugh" I groaned in defeat.

I know they always take sport seriously.


Only one more thing to do.........

I stand up and hugged them from behind, putting my head into the crook of their neck, inhaling their scent and started kissing their neck.

"Daddy/mommy" I said seductively yet they didn't budge.

They stand up and grab a hoodie from their bag and grabbed their wand muttering a spell and placing it back down.

"What did you do?" I asked curiously but they just stayed silent and walked out.

The room was kind of cold so I decided to grab Y/N's hoodie in their bag.

When I grabbed the zipper and zip it, it didn't move. Oh no, no, no, NOOOOO

"Please don't tell me I can't even have their hoodie" I mumbled in panic.

And I sighed in frustration, giving up.

"Godric, how many days do I have to endure this" I sighed and walked out of the room and go to the living room and to my surprise Y/N was there.....all tucked in while watching movie.

"Bubs what are you doing here?" I ask but they just continued to enjoy the movie.

"I can't even cuddle with you!? Not even wear your hoodie?!" I said bewildered.

"What? It's fair" they said as they continued watching not looking at me.

"No it's not" I said pouting and cross my arms standing Infront of them.

Yet they just sit up and move to the other arm rest and lied down once again.

"I hate you"


I straddled their lap and laid down on their chest.

"Say it" they said not wrapping their arms on me and I groaned.

"I'm a sore loser. I use Y/N's weakness just so I could win which is why I am a sore loser" I mumbled quietly as I nuzzle into their neck.

They chuckled and wrap their arms on me. "That's better. Still, no kisses for a week"


"What?! You're the one who started it first!"

Word count: 599

Just read my new book that's all

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