Shy But Kinda Sly (Sam Button)

983 13 2

A request from lucas_2702
Y/N is 15 then she's 17
Sister of Mary Elizabeth
Male reader

Patrick Pov:

"So Mary....who are we gonna meet today?" I ask as we got to her home...looks like a mansion.

"My brother" she says with a boring voice. "He's a loner too, shy and gentle. Doesn't want to get mad cause he'll literally chop you're head off"

"How?" Sam laughed, crossing her arms.

"She's got a Sorry.." Charlie says as he looked down at embarrassment.

"Yep...he's just like you Charlie" she rolled her eyes as we heard singing from downstairs.

"Is he really that loud?" I ask as she just shrugged it off.

The music was getting to familiar.

"Oh my god..." Sam gasped as we looked at each other.

"Heathers musical!" We exclaimed as it gets to the best part.

"Mhm, real fan of heathers I tell you that" she says as she opens the door.

The music softens as his voice was now heard.

"I WAS MEANT TO BE YOURS!" he sings his heart out.

FINISH WHAT WE'VE BEGUN!" his side view now seen, his neck was popping veins, hitting every high note.

"You're brother is a rockstar" I complimented as she just nodded as she watches him.

"And he's now acting" she rolled her eyes as her brother started acting the part.

I am ALL THAT YOU NEED" his hands both on the wall, acting out the scene.

"You carved open my heart!
Can't just leave me to bleed!

"You're brothers fire Mary" Sam says with a shocked face.

"Open the— open the door please
Veronica open the door
Veronica, can we not fight anymore please? Can we not fight anymore" his remorseful voice turned into an angry one.

"He's awesome..." Charlie muttered with a nod.

"Veronica, sure you're scared I've been there, I could set you free
Veronica don't make me come in there, I'm gonna count to three



FUCK IT" he punched the wall hard and we flinched at the loud sound of thud.

He pulled back his hand and we see blood dripping down.

"Oh my're brother is a badass"

He turned around, holding his hand, looking at us with a shocked face. "MARY! I thought I told more watching me sing heathers.." he whined.

"I know...but if you're gonna destroy every single wall we have in this house because of acting out this scene.....then I will. Now come here and let me take a look at you're hand" Mary sighed and walked towards her brother.

"C-can we not...." He muttered quietly as he looks down as the three of us looked at each other, confused.

"Why? Because you're afraid of socializing. Yeah no, you're gonna suck it up and make friends" Mary demanded.

"Mary" he demanded with a strong voice.

"Y/N" she says equally with a strong voice.

"C' know I don't want to hurt you...can we just not please do it here" he whined and Mary huffed.

"Fine, but you're gonna pay for the dinner in kings tonight with my friends..that's gonna be yours"

"You wouldn't"

"Yes I would"

"I hate you"

"Mhm...yeah love you too lil bro"

Mary Pov:

After that 5 month of interaction, Y/N became much more open but his shy and gentle personality is still there.

God I'm proud of that boy

So proud

"Hey Y/N" I greeted as I entered his room. His radio not playing the meant to be yours anymore.

"What?" He muttered quietly as he put his chin on his arm that was on his knees.

"Why so gloomy little brother?"

"How does it love someone but they love another?"

"I don't know...I never really have fallen inlove"

"Help me understand Mary.....if she likes another one...will I suck it up then try to ignore it or will I just bottle up my feelings then confess even if she's dating another" he groaned as he plopped herself to his bed.

I laugh at his question. "Got a thing for Sam don't you Y/N? Eh? Eh?" I tease as he groaned loudly once more.

"Okay! Okay! Stop with the teasing..and yes I have a thing for Sam Button" he spoke quietly.

"Ask her out without knowing" I gave out and left his room, leaving him confused. would be quiet a sight.

Patrick Pov:

"Hey guys" Sam greeted as she entered the library then within moments, Y/N came.

"Look, the heathers boy came" I tease as he rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah, hey nothing"

I chuckle at his antics as he sat down beside Sam.

"Bob sent me a text" Sam announced as Y/N raised a brow.

"What does it say?" His voice suddenly changed. His usual soft one was replace to a manly one.

"Are you really heathers boy?" I tease as he just chuckles, Mary came to walked by and he suddenly tensed.

"Yeah, he wants to impressed his crush"

"I don't want to curse you off but I'd also like to curse you off" he muttered quietly as all of us chuckled. He crossed his arms, slumping his body on the chair.

"He says he want to make it official!" Sam exclaimed with a grin, I saw Charlie frowned as Y/N just raised a brow.

"I thought you two are already official?" He asks.

"Yeah..aren't you official like....a week ago?" I nodded in agreement.

"Well— just forget about that! Help me out with this" she says and Y/N huffed.

"Mhm, that's easy Sam..." His smile is mischievous that I can't read him. I looked at Mary who just winked at me and Charlie.

The two of us shared a confused glance.

Y/N put his elbows to his knees, his hand to his chin, asking. "Ask him "would you do anything for me?"

"Sounds flirtatious but okay, carry on" Sam laughed and I raised a brow.

"Would you get down on you're knees for me?" He asks as his voice once again change.

Charlie looked at Mary, wanting a hint but she just chuckled and continued to watch.

"Pop that little question right now baby" he grabbed his things and go.

"Holy shit...he just flirted with you" I chimed. "I promised mum I wouldn't swear but here we are"

"You know....he's shy but he's kinda sly" Mary chuckled.

"Yeah I'll say no to Bob"

Word count: 1110
I tried to do it but considering my mood today is somehow happy.....I give you a bad imagine...yes I don't appreciate.

Sorry if this is bad to someone who requested it...I forgot the name...

Anyways, thank you for 20.5k reads along with 820 votes!

Thank you too for the support from my other books!

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