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So this is fem reader.
I apologize on my behalf of writing this angst because you all are celebrating just because I post some chapters that are fluff.

So here you go now a fucking angst.

Hermione Pov:

Just like that.......she died in my arms.....my wife....died.


"Don't. Say. Anything. Ronald"

Y/N Pov:

When I looked around there was no one but darkness.

It was dark yet it feels warm, like someone is there for me.

And with just that a person pop up, well more likely a ghost.

"Hi, I'm Custos and I'll be the one who'll guide you to the void or help you get through the one who's moving on for you" he exclaimed.

"Okay......but what's that" I said bewildered when I saw a string.

"It's the emotion of the one who you cared for......your wife" I said as once again I frown of thinking I left Hermione behind.

"S-so what if it's you know.....chopped off......?" I asked as I felt my heart falling to my stomach.

"Then she cut you off" he said with a frown.

I have stayed for a few days until I heard a beep.

"Custos what is—" I was cut off as I felt myself landing on a chair.

But I remembered the cinnamon scent, my wife.

"Darling?" I said as I saw her head leaning on the window, her eyes bloodshot and puffy, her appearance made it seem like she didn't eat for months.

"Why did you leave me Y/N?" She croaked out.

"You said we're gonna go through this together........you said you'll fight cancer yet you died and I used magic" she cried as she put her hand to wipe her tears yet she sobbed more.

"My love don't worry, I'm not leaving you. I'm still here" as I flickered the lights.

"Y-Y/N" she stuttered.

"Hermione I'll drive" Harry said as he walked in the car and my watches beep again.

I blinked for once then yet again I'm back to the void.

"C-custos wh-what happened?" I asked.

"Everytime your watch beeps, your gonna guide your wife to move on. That's what you want right?" He said.

"Of course I do. I don't want her to be mourning over her dead wife" I looked down and she'd a tear but collect myself.

After one week

Me and Custos was playing cards as yet again my watches beep again.

I felt myself stumble at the wooden floor and I looked around, it was the Granger's house.

"Hermione you have to let go of her" Mrs. Granger told her.

"I know sweet heart that it's hurting you but you need to move on" Mr. Granger cood.

"She's my wife dad!" She shouted with rage as she stand up from her seat startling both of her parents.

"She was your wife dear" Mrs. Granger corrected.

"I don't care if she was because she still is! Why don't you understand??" She sobbed

"Hermione we understand yo—" Mr. Granger was cut off.

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