Study Session

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Fem reader
Pov starts at 5th year.

Cho Pov:

Y/N was moaning and whining ever since she became a fifth year.

"Why do we need OWL'S?! My mum didn't even graduate college to be a shitty nurse! A man saw her saving a dying man then boom! She became a fucking nurse" she shouted.

"If only I didn't stop learning muggle shit" she groaned and slammed her head on the table creating a mass of students to shush us.

"Stop that Y/N, just ask someone to help you or something" I said and I thought of an idea.

A genius idea.

"Who?" She asked curiously and I give her a knowing smirk and her eyes immediately widen.

"Oh don't you dare Chang" she threatened and was about to say something but Ron and Harry came in.

"Hey girls" they snickered as they saw Y/N stressed.

"Hi" I said not taking my eyes of Y/N.
"Hey Harry"

"Yeah?" He asked with a curious tone.

"Can you tell Hermione that Y/N would be—" but Y/N slapped me at the back of my head.

"No" she said with a murderous intent behind her innocent smile and I chuckled nervously in fear that a Hufflepuff can be a serial killer behind those innocent act.

"Yeah I'll schedule Y/N a study se— I said nothing" Harry immediately stopped once he saw Y/N glaring at him.

"Hey guys" oh thank Merlin, Hermione's here.

I looked at my said to look at Y/N and she immediately look flustered.

I mean, everyone knows about her crush on Hermione.

She just walked away like not of this things ever happened.

She walked away with a flustered face leaving us with a confuse Granger.

"What's up with her? Someone's got her wand in a knot" Hermione shrugged but I saw her smile earlier falter, and it doesn't take a detective to know why.

Oh if Y/N doesn't take a move on her, Cormac will.

And I will save my ship that I wanted to sail.

"Hey Hermione" I said gaining her attention and I looked at the boy's with a smug grin and they immediately got it and started snickering to themselves.

"What's funny?" Hermione asked utterly bewildered and confused.

"Nothing" they both said in chorus and started doing random things.

"Well anyways, is there anything you want Cho?" Hermione said in a sweet tone.

"Yeah, I mean not me but Y/N. You see, she hate the upcoming OWL'S and she don't want to study, maybe you could knock some sense into her and help her study" I said with a mischievous grin as I saw her cheeks tint with the color pink but she recomposed herself and agreed.

Y/N Pov:

I was at the library trying to study but I know I couldn't.

I just wanna lay down and do shitty things that no one could ever know like fantasizing about Hermione.

God how I love her,

Her bushy hair,

Her eyes,

Her smile,

Literally everything and anything she does, she looks utterly perfect.

And I'm just here doing shit.

Ironic right?

How could she, an amazing, intelligent beautiful person fall inlove with someone like me.

I sighed in frustration.

"Hello Y/N" a sudden voice said and I jolt out of my seat causing me to lay down in the wooden floor and muttered curse words under my breath.

"Oh my Merlin, are you alright?" Hermione said as she kneeled beside me and cupping my fave gently causing me to look at her mesmerizing honey-brown eyes.

Oh Merlin Y/N don't look, don't look. I know that you want to kiss those kissable lips of her's but right now just purse yours and look away.

I stand up hastily and instantly sitting on my chair but my hand slipped when I touched the edge of the table and once again fall.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath and Hermione kneeled to me and immediately dragged me to the hospital wing.

"Oh my dear, why is your head bleeding?" Madam Pomfrey asked worried and I asked in shock and confusion.

"I'm bleeding, me.....bleeding. well shit, why didn't you tell me?" I asked Hermione who just had the urge to throw me at the window look and madam Pomfrey brought me over to a bed and muttering some spells to heal my wound along with some potions.

"Well, this is not how I suppose we are gonna do our study session, so I'll just study with you when you're healed" Hermione said pecking my forehead and I instantly went frozen on my place as I purse my lips tight to each other. After a mere second I un-persed my lips but I was still frozen in place looking at her gobsmacked.

She giggled and pecked my lips and told me "don't miss our study session love"

With that she left leaving me flattersbegered and frozen that madam Pomfrey thought I was petrified.

Well damn, guess I have to study more.

Word count: 848
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