I'm Here

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Female reader
Pov starts at 5th year

Y/N Pov:

Dating Hermione Granger, oh how lovely it is. You'll see her smile, those beautiful eyes. Everything and anything about her is so mesmerizing, so beautiful so true.

Falling asleep in her arms as she reads to you, she hums a tune, she does anything to make you happy, relax, and feel loved.

We have been dating for a good two years and it was amazing, great, good and then...toxic.

But it's fine, I love her, she loves me, we love each other.

Sleeping throughout the days, feeling myself a little numb. Lifeless maybe.

A hard nudge woke me up and I flutter my eyes open to see Hermione glaring at me.

"Where were you?! You haven't been to any of the classes in four days Y/N!" Hermione shouted, her face red as a bludger as anger raged in her. "I swear to Merlin that my cat is much more responsible than you"

I stand up instantly and went to my desk grabbing every each of my school work. "I didn't come to class cause every subject I did, I taught it myself"

"Oh so you dropped out?" Hermione scoffed but I smiled and shook my head knowing it's just one of her bad days.

"Nope, self studying. I ask professor to give me the papers for homework and I'll learn it myself. I'd be giving them all of the papers by the end of the week"

"Good to know that you aren't a pig" Hermione grumbled as she looks out her half written essay in her bag and placed it on my desk, starting to do her work.

Harry Pov:

"Have you seen Y/N, Harry?" Cho asks me once she had approached me.

"No....no I didn't" I answer her and she nodded.

We haven't seen her for the last 4 days and that 4 days is when she last saw Hermione.

"Where is she?" Cho muttered quietly as tears began to well in her eyes.

"Cho!" Cedric shouted as he approached us.

"Yes?" Cho asks with a shaky breath.

"Did you find my sister yet?" He asks in a worried tone and she shook her head, looking down.

"If I'm right, Hermione was the last one to see her the last 4 days" I explained and he nodded, holding Cho's hand carefully and running to the great hall to find Hermione.

Cedric Pov:

She's here somewhere, I know it.

"Granger!" I shouted at Y/N's girlfriend, Hermione granger, already approaching her with Cho.

"Yes?" She asks with a smile but I could see her eyes overwhelm with sadness and....guilt.

"Have you seen my sister?" I ask and she shook her head.

We kept asking some students in the great hall until suddenly, the professors came in looking glum, depressed......sadness.

"Attention!" Came in the headmaster's voice. In the corner of my eye I saw his eyes no longer appear with a spark.

The professors stand Infront of they're table. They were all looking...sad...even Snape does.

The students sat down along me and Cho who were now seated in our respectful table.

"Professor Sprout, if you may" Dumbledore says with a dreadful tone.

"Thank you, headmaster" she says quietly, walking towards our house table and looking at our faces, but mostly...towards me.

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