Tell me

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Slytherin male reader🐍
Pov starts at 5th year

Y/N Pov:

I saw Hermione walking to the courtyard so I decided to tease her. I've always found her interesting ever since 3rd year. But when I saw her she was crying.

Why was she crying at Christmas? Is it because of her presents?'s the fucking blokes.

When I saw her sitting at the edge of the tree at the black lake so I quickly but quietly go there.

"Hey Granger" I said in a gentle tone which surprised her as she quickly wipe her tears away.

"W-what are you doing here L/N?" She asked quietly.

" I saw you at the courtyard crying so I followed you then found you here"

"Why came to make fun of me that Ron and Harry left me?" She asked irritatingly.

"No...I just came here to ask if you're fine actually. Even tho I wanted to tease you that you were falling in love with me......I guess your being seems to be much more" I said genuinely.

"Why do you care?" She asked shocked about my gentle tone I haven't shown to anyone that isn't close to me.

"Because if I teased you when you look like a baby. I can't tell you your gonna be mine cause you should be happy not crying like a baby" I said which made her chuckled and I smiled at it. She's.....cute when she smiles, it brightens up

"You and your Slytherin pride L/N. You and your Slytherin pride" she said chuckling while looking down.

"Well now that you're happy....will you be happier if you're mine?" I ask with a grin which made her stand up and leave saying:

"Yeah, fat chance that I'll be happier with you. I'd rather be a beaver than to be with you" she said playfully but it still But I won't give up on winning her heart.


*1 week later*

"Hey Granger" I said sitting down Infront of her in the library on her usual seat.

"What are you doing here L/N?" She asked irritated

"Woah there lioness, I'm not gonna tease you today. I just wanted to study here with my future girlfriend" I said cocickly.

"Would you please stop teasing me that I like you because I never will and besides I'm Gryffindor and your Slytherin so stop teasing me and get back to your dungeon." she whispered shouted.

"Yeah, but your still talking to me" I said trying not to break my voice on what she said.

"Because your annoying me" she said standing up and packing her things and then she left. But I'm still not gonna give up.


*2 weeks later*

"HEY GRANGER!" I said shouting at her and waving my hand as she looked at me behind her shoulder sitting by the black lake.

"Ugh..... What do you want L/N?" She asked when I stand up near whilst when she was reading a book.

"Well your lonely so maybe my presence can make you a bit cheery"

"Could you please go, your invading my relaxing time and with you being here just makes me mad" she said irritated.

"Watcha reading?" I asked completely not bothering what she said even tho it hurt me many time before and....after.

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