Hold On

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Female reader
Sister of Harry Potter
Pov starts at 7th year finding horcrux, forest of dean.
So uhm. . . . .just wait for the ending

3rd person Pov:

Y/N and Hermione are cuddling together. Hermione's back pressed onto the tree as Y/N's back pressed onto her front.

"I'm gonna hold you" Hermione whispered to Y/N's ears who was sinking in her arms.

"Y/N!" Hermione shouted, her voice rang throughout the corridor.

"I'm gonna kiss you in my arms" she whispered softly to the girl in her arms, kissing the top of her eye.

"Hermione go please!" Y/N pleaded, battling with death eaters.

Yet Hermione was too stubborn. She ran towards here, witnessing something she don't want. She doesn't want to happen anytime in her life.

"Hermione. . . .me and my brother always face death every single year" Y/N says with a sorrowful voice, nuzzling her head to Hermione's neck.

"I'm gonna hold you, I'll take you away from harm" Hermione dismissed and hugged her tightly.

"No! No! No! No! Y/N! Don't do this to me please. . . .please just— don't go" Hermione cried, holding her lover in her arms.

"You can't guarantee that my love" Y/N chuckled but Hermione could feel tears dripping down to her neck then on her cloak.

"It's gonna be okay Hermione. . . . . .it's gonna be fine" Y/N smiled softly.

"Yes I can and I will. I promise you. I will protect you. Always and forever" Hermione promised, craning Y/N's head then putting her forehead onto hers. "I can"

"NO! NO! no. . . . . Let me hold you. . . . .don't go love. . .don't let go" Hermione cried as she held Y/N's pale face.

"Do you see them 'Mione?" Y/N asks, gasping for air but still managed to get it out.

"And I will for you too, I will protect you" Y/N whispered on her lips.

"That's my mum. . . .m-my dad. . .Sirius is here too" Y/N chuckled but instantly went to coughing blood.

"Never let go baby. . .please don't" Hermione pleaded as her eyes was getting teary.

"Hold on please. . . .just for me?"

"I won't, never in my lifetime I. Will let go of you, Hermione Granger"

"I. . .love you 'Mione"

"I love you Y/N Potter"

"Hermione let out a shuddering scream, her mind goes reign, ignoring the celebration of the people of the winning war.

"I love you too Hermione Granger, I always do"

"Her— Y-Y/N?"

"Hermione! Sis! It's time for dinner! Are you coming"

"No. . . . .Y/N no. . . No, no, no, no, NO!"

"Hey gu— I-i"

"You see Hermione, I heard you're voices. . .all three of you. I came back because of this, I heard you're voice Hermione. . . Y/N. . .Harry, I heard all. Of you're voices"

"S-she can't be dead right Hermione, Hermione she can't be dead!"

"Don't. . .don't let go Y/N. Don't. . . Don't go . . .she told me she's never gonna let go"

"C'mon! We can do this! All three of us! We can do this together! We can win this together! All three of us! Hermione you're the brightest witch of our age! Ron you maybe foolish but you're much more helpful than you think you're and Harry, we survived the killing curse. We can win this. . . Together"

"Y/N! NO!"

"I'm sorry. . . .I'm sorry I couldn't protect you my love. . . I'm sorry"

"Harry! Harry please! I-i know it hurts please!"

"Oh c'mon Harry, we both know I'm the best at chess between us"

"Oh please, I'm better than you"

"She's my sister Ron! She's the only one I've got left! She can't be GONE! don't you understand!"

"Hold on okay brother? We still got each other"

"I will always hold on if you're here sis"


"Want to know who eats the most chicken in a minute Ronniekins?"

"Oh you're on N/N"


"No Y/N, you'll get checkmate if you move the knight away"

"Ohhh. . . .so that's why I'm beginning to lose. . .thanks Ron"


"Where are you going my love?"

"To go at Hogsmeade with Ginny 'Mione, you want anything?"

"Please be back soon as you can, I want cuddles"

"I will be back before you know it, just hold on "Mione"

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too!"

"I lost my sister Ron. . . .she's the only one who I had from the start"

"Along with us Harry. . .along me, Hermione. . . And everyone else"

"Don't give up now! Think of something powerful! The happiest memory you have. I don't care if it's me being embarrassed when I performed at the yule ball and my clothes were ripped off by myself because of adrenaline! Just the happiest! The most powerful memory you can think of!"

"She's here holding on cause she's here. . . In our hearts. I know that, you know that Harry! Especially you Hermione. . .she's still here"

"Don't you dare give up! Always hold on for something! For someone! Because that is the key for our strength and determination in anything and everything we do. Hold on"

"I hate it when you're right Ron"

"I know Hermione, I hate it when I'm right too. Makes me feel old"

"Hold on you idiots! I'm sorry my love, you're not an idiot you're a fucking genius so don't get offended by that"

"We'll hold on"

"Of course we will, so are you. . .right Hermione?"

"Just because of her Ron. . .just because of her. . .I'll hold on"

Word count: 930
Don't tell me I'm mean, I literally made a fluff one. In my opinion this is fluff so don't come at me 💅
Is a bootiful chapter and y'all know it.

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