*I'll risk it all, just for you*

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Ha! another situation flipped.
Female reader cause I think all of my shit in this book is male reader and I promise you, I'll do a new book for all my fem readers and thank you for 3.56k reads.
Buckle up cause it's gonna be a long chapter.

Pov starts at 7th year


Hermione Pov:

"Hey.......Y/N" I said as I want to confirm her feelings for even though I lost count of how many times I confessed to her.

"Yes?" She asked as she turned to me gracefully, my stomach erupted with butterflies.

"I just....uh want to...you know.....confirm" I said awkwardly as I play with my fingers.

"I-im sorry Hermione, but I only see you as my best friend. I hope this doesn't destroy our relationship" she said nervously, hearing her heart beat even tho we're arms length.

Y/N Pov:

"Why are you so afraid of loving a girl" the voice in my head says to me.

"Cause my family don't understand me unlike my friends who accept me. And if they ever find out I'm dead" I replied into my head as I heard my mother's voice.

"You will never love a girl Y/N! It is just a phase and nothing more" she screamed as Hermione broke me in my trance.

"It's alright" she turned as I looked away feeling hurt as I can't love who I want as my mother forbids me.

"You know Y/N you can't let your mother destroy you" my friend told me as they pat my shoulder.

"We know you like her ever since the day you two met, just tell her"

"I can't just do that. After I rejected her and then confess to her I'm just......just gonna build her up all again" a tear slip in my eye.

"Then wait for her......even if it's a risk you going to take" they said.

One month later

"Hey 'Mione" she put her head up from the book she was reading.

My eyes shine as I look at her with adoration. I though "this maybe the wrong time but I know that of it's you, it's the risk I'm willing to take. I don't care about my mother, my family, because now it's you, and it'll always be you now and then and I'm never ever letting you go"

"Hey Y/N" she said with her angelic voice that never fails to melt my heart with her toothless smile.

"I.....I know it's not a good time to tell you......but if it's you......it's a risk I'm willing to take. No matter what my family says...or my mother's. Now and then......it's always gonna be you.

Hermione Pov:

As she said those words my heart feels like it's gonna burst. Not out of romance but madness.

I ask her again for confirmation

"Wh-what do you mean..?" My eyebrows furrowed as I wear a frown.

I saw her put her head down and said the words I was always waiting for her to hear when I confessed to her
"I love you" it was a strong but powerful whisper.

And for all I know, all I felt was.....rage.

I waited for her to say that but now she's gonna build me up all again.
I was about to say something but she had already said the words

"I know that you mad because you're waiting for me to say that for the last month that you confessed to be.....but now that I confessed to you that you finally moved on I know...that I'm building you up again and I just.......I just want you to know....."

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