One last time

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Songfic #3
Male reader and is Hufflepuff :))
Sorry I didn't update earlier
Pov starts at 7th year

Hermione Pov:

🔊 I was a liar,
I gave into the fire
I know I should've fought it
At least I'm being honest🔊

I am now seeing Y/N with my best friend Ginny in a long distance, ever since me and him broke up because I cheated on him....with Harry.

It wasn't even my choice to cheat on him, it was just me being irrational and being stupid to cheat on him.

Now I'm here shedding tears but I know I'm the cause of our breakup.

🔊Feel like a failure
Cause I know that I failed you
I should've done you better cause you don't want a liar🔊

I lied to him every single day in a whole month to cheat on him with Harry. But I never shag with Harry only heated snog but I, I didn't even know I continued it after a kiss.

Was it because I want more attention from my own boyfriend even tho I know he gives me all his attention and no one else.

Or was I always jealous because of Ginny being the second favorite girl that he always talks to. I-i don't know but all I know is that I still love him.

All alone right now without Ron, Harry without anyone except my parents but they're not here. It's like from the very first start of my first year at Hogwarts, I'm alone without a shoulder to lean on.

Ron sided with Y/N because it's his God brother even tho him and Harry are best friend for a long time, he knows he would side with Y/N cause he's the wrong one for being blinded with lust.

🔊And I know
And I know
And I know
She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you

And I know
And I know
And I know
That you got everything but I got nothing here without you🔊

I saw Ginny being her home when he saw me cheating with Harry. She gives him love that I couldn't give to him. The love that he deserve from the very first start to the end just like I said to him when we first started dating.

He was my everything everyday ever since we started dating because he treats me like a prince that would treat her queen. He would give me compliments, he would relieve my stress, he would always say the words I want to fell of from his mouth, words like "I love you, I adore you, only you, your beautiful, my love"

But now that he isn't here....I feel like I'm dying. I'm dying without him. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I barely raise my hands up leaving my grades go down worrying every single teacher but I don't care. I don't care and I'll only care when he's mine again.

"So one last time, I need to be the one who takes you home.
One more time I promise after that I'll  let you go.
Babe I don't care if you got her in your heart, all I really care is you wake up on my arms.
One last time I need to be the one who takes you home"

I whispered to the air as I leave the location where I was staring at my ex-boyfriend and an old friend, tears brimming down my cheeks as I try to stay strong because I know that she will make him happy more than me.

Word count: 608
Thank you for 2.4k reads

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