I'm Here (2)

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This is requested by Imahermionesimp09
Hope you peeps like it....or not

3rd Person Pov:

"Hi baby" Hermione says softly yet muffled as she nuzzles her head to Y/N's neck after she had jumped on her. Her legs on her waist as her arms goes through her shoulder the onto her neck.

"Hello my love" Y/N chuckled as she pressed a kiss on her forehead while wrapping her arms to her thighs to prevent her from falling.

"Hi baby...." Hermione croaked out as she now sits Infront of Y/N's headstone.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry Y/N...I didn't know what to do..I-i lost control and-and..." Hermione rambled but stopped as Y/N pressed her lips on hers.

"It's alright my love, it's just an accident. This wound could heal in no time" Y/N smiled as she put a bandage around her arm where Hermione accidentally throw the book.

The corner of the books were sharp considering it was a hard cover, it slash not a deep one but a long wound on Y/N's arm.

"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry that I-i didn't treat you better, I'm sorry t-that I hurt you...I'm sorry..I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry baby...I'm sorry" Hermione muttered again and again as she falls on to her knees as tears drop onto the ground with the faintest splash. "I'm sorry...."

Hermione Pov:

"Didn't I told you to not say sorry when it's not you're fault my love" a familiar voice says with a hint of teasing.

"Y/N....?" I looked up from the ground with tears on my cheeks and eyes, my heart beats fast as I see her again.

Her e/c eyes

Her radiating smile

Her h/c hair that flows perfectly with the wind

I can see her again

"Why are you crying my love?" She asks with a raise brow, I stood up from the ground and run towards her only to be met with wind.


"Please....just tell me why you're crying?" She pleads with those sparkling eyes.

"Why can't I touch you my love?" I ask but she ignores it.

"Tell me why you're crying first" she demands as she crossed her arms.

I chuckle as tears once again flow, cascading down on my cheeks then to my shirt. "I'm imagining this aren't I? I'm imagining this....right baby?"

"No you aren't" she smiled and walked towards me, trying to touch me. Her smile faded away as she looks at me.

"Then what are we doing now?!" I cried as I tried to hold her, feel her, touch her yet nothing worked. Nothing....just like from her funeral. I cried...I only cried and shout, sitting, laying down everywhere mourning.

"Hermione we know you're in there!" Ginny shouted through the door.

"You're there...but how can I feel you my love?" I ask with a frown as she stood there.

"Hermione open up or we're barging in your dorm!" Harry shouted.

"Look at you're pocket.." she muttered quietly.

"Hermione please open up! We know you miss her okay! Just please open up or tell us if you're okay!" Ron pleaded while knocking on the door but I ignored as I lay lifeless on the floor.

I slip my hand to my pocket to feel a stone.

"Do you know what that is?" She asks looking at me in the eye.

"That's it! We're barging in, wether you like it or not!" Harry shouted.

"It's a resurrection stone isn't?" I ask with tears.

"Hermione....." They muttered quietly like a whisper.

She nodded then chuckled. "You know.....even if you aren't squeezing it in you're hand....I could feel the energy..then it lead us to this"

"I miss her...." I said as I looked at the ceiling, my vision blurry as I sniffled.

"I miss you baby....why can't you stay?" I ask in a shaky voice, feeling my voice fade away and I shook my head trying hard not to break down.

"You do know her famous words...right Hermione?" Ginny chuckled as she kneeled down next to me. "She's here....always. she never leaves, you know that" she points to my heart and I broke into a sob once more.

"I'm here aren't I, you know I never leave" she smiled as she put her hand on my chest, indicating that she was in my heart.

"It's not enough Ginny! I need her here with me! WITH ME PHYSICALLY! I NEED HER!" Shouting throughout the room, standing up quickly then throwing things on the wall.

"I need you here baby....I need you here with me...I need to feel you my love...please be here" I pleaded through sobs but only whimpers could be heard.

"Hermione please stop! Hermione stop!" Harry restrained me from throwing my things throughout the room and I felt my body going weak. Falling in his arms and breaking more. My head on his shoulder as I gripped him softly.

"I need her here with me Harry...I need her" I whimpered as he rubs my back comfortingly.

"She's always with you...just like my parents Hermione" he says softly.

She hummed a tune that only my friends, me and her know.

"I swear to God when you come home,
I'm gonna hold you so close,
I swear to God when I come home
I'll never let go" Harry as Ginny followed.

"Like a river I flow
To the ocean I know
You pull me close, guiding me home"

"And I need you to know that we're falling so fast,
We're falling like the stars, falling inlove" she sang softly, my heart flutters butterflies violently and my stomach do barrel rolls as I hear her voice.

I followed her, wiping my tears away, calming myself. "And I'm not scared to say those words with you I'm safe we're falling like the stars, falling inlove"

"See? I'm always here my love, always and forever okay?" She asks with a smile and I nod.

"Can I hold you?" I ask.

"You know you can't baby" she chuckles. "I love you Hermione Granger"

"I love you too..."

Word count: 1035
Since I made you cry....a little fluff to make you feel better

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