Chapter 24

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Baji Kohaku P.O.V.

Even though I'm not completely healed yet, I'm still visiting Keisuke's grave. I know that Auntie and Uncle would rather not have me in this neighborhood right now, but they also couldn't keep me away from the family grave. As long as I'd be careful and keep my phone with me, he allowed me to go. I open my eyes as I finish my prayer, and place my hands back on my knees as I look at the grave of Keisuke and my mother. You would be devastated if you were alive right now. I look at the smoke of the incense going up in the air. "You really would be" I mumble. "I was hoping I would find you here.." I hear Mikey's voice behind me. I close my eyes for a second and then stand up, suppressing a groan. I don't want them to hear I'm still in pain. "I can't even visit my brothers grave in peace?" I ask softly before turning around, facing both him and Draken. "We didn't mean to disturb" Draken says. "Yet you did" I say. When they both don't respond, I put my hands in the pockets of my coat. "What do you want?" I ask. "We thought you should know that Mitsuya is in the hospital" Mikey says. "What about it?" I ask. This seem to surprise both Draken and Mikey. "He's there because Haitani Ran put him there" Draken says. I hear Ran's chuckle and this immediately seems to piss Mikey and Draken off. "You think I'd keep that a secret?" Ran asks as he walks up to me. "You know it's quite impolite to disturb someone who's paying his respects?" He asks. "It's quite impolite to butt into a conversation" Draken says irritated. "Let's go." I say to Ran and walk past Draken and Mikey. "It's not your neighborhood Haitani!" Draken says. "So whatcha gonna do about it?" Ran asks amused, turning around. "Let's go" I say again, grabbing his arm. "Baji would be devastated seeing you with him. Abandoning Mitsuya" Mikey says. I turn around. "He would also be devastated to learn I got beat up by Toman, yet it happened" I say. "Good thing he's dead, ain't it?" I ask annoyed. "What do you mean, beat up by Toman?" Draken asks surprised. "You don't know?" Ran laughs. "We never ordered it" Mikey says. "Then you should keep a leash on your members. In any case, I'm done with Toman and that includes Mitsuya" I say, then leave pulling Ran with me.

This view is amazing, I've painted it hundreds of times and hung out with Keisuke here many more times. It's cold, but I don't mind, it calms me. I hear the bushes rustle behind me and know it's either Chifuyu or Mikey. He doesn't say anything, even when he sits down next to me on the bench. "It's hard to find you alone these days" Mikey says after a while. "Yeah, well my uncle doesn't like it if I'm alone, since I ended up in the hospital the last time I was.." I say. "I'm sorry that happened" Mikey says. "Yeah..I am too" I say. "In spite everything that happened, I still consider you my friend. I won't give up on you so easily. Never did with Baji either, even when he defected to Valhalla." He says. "Yet you accepted the guys who caused his death so easily" I say. "They're no longer with Toman" Mikey says softly. I don't respond. "They promised Takemichy something then betrayed him so I fired them" he adds. I scoff annoyed. Of course for him you would.. "what?" Mikey asks. "Nothing. I just realized that what Ran said was right.." I say. "What was that?" He asks. "That the only one I need is him" I say, finally looking at him. Mikey doesn't respond for a little while. "Isn't that a bit toxic?" He asks. "How's that?" I ask, slightly annoyed. "He's slowly been isolating you from your convincing you that he's the only one you need. Next thing will be isolating you from family so that he is the only one left." Mikey says. "He didn't isolate me, you guys ruined that on your own" I say. Mikey ignores it. "I'd rather not think about what'll happen to you then." He says. "You can't just suddenly care Mikey" I say. "I always cared. You just refused to hear it" Mikey says. I sigh deeply rubbing my eyes. "What do you want from me Mikey?" I ask. "I know you're having a hard time, understandably. But don't give up on us. I'll carry your pain for you" he says. "Stop that" I say shaking my head. "No one can carry that but me" I say. "Then let me...let us be there for you" Mikey says.

I've never seen my uncle angry, today was the first time and he wasn't just angry, he was pissed.  When he was he looked exactly like Keisuke. And I mean exactly like Keisuke. Except of course for him being older and Keisuke had long hair. "I never saw you angry before... I thought you couldn't" I say. Uncle chuckles. "I used to be like Keisuke a lot when I was younger" he says. "You're lying" I say surprised. Uncle grins. "I'm not" he says. "What happened." I ask. "Life I guess. And when I knew what I wanted to do, I knew I needed to calm down a lot" he says. Uncle leans his forearms on the counter and looks at me. "You alright?" He asks. " I'm not sure.." I mumble. Uncle smile slightly. "Want to talk about it?" He asks softly. "I don't know" I sigh while rubbing my forehead. "It's just been.. a lot you know" I say as I drop my arm and uncle nods. "I miss Keisuke so much. Almost every day I have a moment that I want to tell him something, or talk to him about something and then I'm brutally reminded that I can't..not anymore" I say. "I'm sorry bud" Uncle says, standing up straight. "How about we build a shrine for him, in the other room Hmm? Yuriko and I already talked about building one for our parents, we can easily fit Keisuke there. You could talk to him again" he says. "It doesn't matter" I say shrugging. "He can't talk back anyway" I add. Uncle sighs softly, clearly at a loss for words. Such psychiatrist. "Did you take the assignment? To work on Hanemiya Kazutora's case?" I ask. "I refused" Uncle says. "Though they understood why, they needed my expertise and skill so I was still put on the case, but with a colleague. So I'm never alone in the room with him" Uncle says, and he's obviously not happy with it.  I clench my jaw for a second. "How did he react?" I ask. Uncle smiles slightly. "He looked like he saw a ghost when I walked in" he says amused. "But I made it clear that Keisuke was my son, that I know he is responsible for his death and that he could refuse to have me on his case" uncle says. "And?" I ask. "Unfortunately he chose to have me there" uncle says. "Can't you make him stay in longer? Ten years is not enough for what he did" I say. "Unfortunately I can't. That's up to him and how he behaves" uncle sighs.

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