Fifty Seven

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"This is the stupidest thing you have ever convinced us to do, ever."

Even Yeosang can't deny it, this absolutely stupid.

And something he never thought he would ever experience in his lifetime.

A frat party.

He's heard about it in movies, some young members in the empire, perhaps even around campus before winter break. He never went to them because he obviously had a lot of shit on his plate, still does actually, yet here he is - In front of a big house, five minutes away from campus, and already filled with a shit ton of college students already sprawled out on the front lawn or hollering on the porch with red cups in hand.

The music is loud, brutally loud that the vibrations is felt beneath his feet.

This is definitely not the type of parties he's use to.

"Before I tear my ears off completely," Soobin growls and stands in front of them, arms crossed as he looks at Yeosang, "Why are we here again?"

Right when the leader was about to answer, Jimin perks up with an enthusiastic smile, "Well, I figured out while looking through Yeosang's messy plan that the person hunting both of our asses down knows of his whereabouts most of the time because of dealers in the area. This is a house party, you know what that means? Tons of drugs. So, we have to keep eyes peered of anyone suspicious and just get some answers, yeah?"

Soobin blinks at him, sinking it in and clearly not fond of this idea, but Yeosang only nods to him, his face stern, "Let's just act casual and do what we gotta do. And whatever you do, no killing or hurting anyone, understand Ten - Ten?"

Everyone's attention snapped when they realized Ten is nowhere in sight, giving Woosung a fucking increase of his heart rate, but a sudden holler caught everyone's attention to force their eyes to the porch.

Ten is there with a group of guys, hollering with a red cup in hand. He doesn't even know why he's there in the first place, but it looked like fun! The four men beside him are at least five times bigger than him though, so he looks like a fierce tiny chihuahua barking with a group of Rottweilers.

Distressed already, Woosung quickly goes to get his boyfriend from embarrassing himself, meanwhile the rest quickly agreed to split up and just act casual.

Whatever that means.

Yeosang would be lying if he said that he didn't have to go over a lesson or two with them on how the world is outside. Even if they are young, they still haven't experienced this type of life; being a regular teenager, go to college, be part of clubs or discover what it is their interest.

They grew up in this mafia life, and that's all they know.

Within that two-day process, Jimin also helped them pick out clothes to wear for tonight, so it won't look too.... Well.... Threatening.

Like their usual wear.

They had to do a complete change to fit in.

How did they take it? Well, they were surprisingly digesting the information.

Jimin and Yeosang had to go over conversing skills with them to sound more casual. Holding in certain impulses - That means not killing someone who stepped on their foot on the dance floor - things like that.

The list goes on, and they did manage to take in everything rather too well.

Once it was over though, Jimin did feel a bit sad by it. It was crazy to him that he had to teach them how to be.... Regular young adults. They have been exposed to so much violence, doing so much violence as it is too, and such a militant form of living that they never got to experience what it is to really enjoy life.

It's always filled with responsibilities.



And just sink in a lot of skills at the same time.

So, Jimin made sure that apart from them focusing on this task, they would also have a little bit of fun.

At least something.

"Well, I'll be on the lookout from outside," Soobin mutters, followed by Hwanwoong agreeing to go too, and trails off to the side of the house to go to the backyard.

"Me and Felix will check the floors," Wooyoung immediately notes down as he goes off with Felix behind him.

Taemin stares at them and kept his guard, "I'll stay and keep an eye on your guys."

Well, there goes for having fun.

Guess that shows how engraved this life is in their skins - they don't know how to have fun, only do work.

Jimin sighs heavily and looks at Taemin. For the first time since he's met him, Taemin isn't wearing a traditional type of clothing or his signature black body suit that held his steps of guns and knives.

Instead, he's wearing casual band t-shirt, white jeans with a regular pair of converses with a white jacket over it coated in designs of thorns. He has a black cap on, concealing his now black hair that he recently dyed it.

The only thing familiar he has there is the eye patch, but instead of a sparkling black it's just a matte black, as if that won't draw so much attention to him.

Yeosang glances to the house and back to Taemin, "You don't have to. I can look after myself well. Just keep eyes peered."

"I'll keep my eyes peered while protecting you guys."

"You can have a bit of fun too -"

"I can't do that while you two are in danger."

"You really need to let loose-"

".... What's that?"

Yeosang is face palming himself, while Jimin looks at Taemin now with a twinkling smirk, "Ah, I see what it is. You can't resist me anymore, right?"

The taunting didn't do shit, obviously, since Taemin's expression didn't even shift or change at all.

"I have a responsibility."

"Wrong choice to stay with us then," Jimin sings, walking now towards the house, "Because one of my sins is gluttony, and that alcohol is sounding really nice right about now."

And so confidently makes it to the front door, leaving Taemin and Yeosang to stare at him for a moment before Taemin looks at Yeosang.

"Are you just going to let him do this?"

Yeosang stares at Jimin for a moment and glances at Taemin with a tight smile, "I think a moment of not being stressed about being a target is what he needs right now. Well... All of us."

With that he walks after Jimin, ignoring how Woosung is yanking a whining Ten from his grip on the fence of the porch, with Taemin like his shadow behind him.

Wearing an unease frown on his face.

For the first time ever in his life, unable to tell what's going to happen the second he stepped into this house.

And he doesn't know where the like it or be completely terrified.



Frat party yay.....

Well, let's see how everyone acts with a party!

Maybe they'll have fun.... -ish.


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