Sixty - Three

417 44 36


Stench of pure blood and rusty iron; the only vile scent that drills Yeosang's nose through the thick bag over his head. Who knows how they managed to get their hands on him, from one moment having possession of his axe and the next for it to be gone and he's blinded, tired from hands and feet. 

Who knows how long he was in a car for, but eventually it stopped, now with him being strapped and tied to a chair - metal chair actually - with a brutal knot that he couldn't even escape it even if he tried. He's not alone, that much he knows by the heavy breathing and Ten's humming lightly into the air.

Until eventually someone lost their patience, "Can you shut the fuck up!"


"I'm fucking bored, what do you expect me to do!"

"Staying quiet? We just got kidnapped you dumb bitch!"

"Hey don't call him that!"

"Yeah, asshole hurt my feelings."

"Can you three shut up!"

"Bro I'm having the illest cramp on my shoulder right now."

"Is that really your main concern right now?

Yeosang closes his eyes with a distraught sigh, "Maybe killing us wouldn't be the worse idea ever."


A new voice said this.

A voice that's none of theirs.

Yeosang snaps his head up, even though he couldn't see shit, but to know there's another presence in the room that just not them is nerve wrecking.

Quietly observing them. 

Not saying anything.

"Who the fuck - Who said that!"

Before anyone could answer, the bags were suddenly removed from their heads, now blinded by a bright light bulb over each of their heads in this dark room. Yeosang blinks viciously before taking in the room, frowning when he sees his members lined up beside him in a row.

Except for one.


He wasn't taken?

Jimin isn't here either.

"Observant, aren't you?"

A different voice spoke up from the last, and Yeosang snaps his attention in front of him - to the darkness of the other side of the room, yet he can feel it.

The stares.

The eyes.

Observing them.

Seeing what they'd do next.

Yeosang glances down to the rope tied securely around his body, shuffling to note mentally that these are well done indeed, and if Wooyoung isn't on his panic mode than he could escape these easily.

Remaining calm with a scowl, "Who are you?"

A soft chuckle circulated the room, forcing goosebumps on Yeosang's skin, "You're just like Jeongguk, same temperament."

Ten snarls back, "You respect our boss and our boss boss!"

"That was a compliment," That's a feminine voice, "And you better watch your mouth before I stitch it shut."

"Oh fuck you!" Ten spats, struggling against the knots, "Where's Taemin and Jimin? Why did you take us!"

Yeosang's eye twitched when a male chuckle also flickers the room, "You're going to be a pest," And suddenly footsteps echoed, drawing in closer, "But at the end of the day, you're all going to be dead, except for them. Just like your friend."

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