Forty Seven

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^I've been trying to find pictures or videos of this moment but clearly they've been wiped off the face of the Earth :)

Gangsta - Kehlani


Everything feels and looks blurred.

From the walls when Jimin fluttered his eyes open to the ground where he was laying on, all the way to his shakily hands when he tried to push himself up. It didn't strike him why his body felt as though he's been carrying bricks on his back or running a mile when he attempted to get to his feet, so he just leaned back against the surface that he felt on his back while rubbing his eyes, trying to push that side effect aside.

Yet as he slowly began to regain more of his vision, he began to not only see that he's in a completely trashed computer room but he was definitely not alone.

It wasn't clear who the person sitting on the chair in front of him was, but he definitely knew it wasn't any of the Phoenix members. After rubbing more his eyes with his fists, wincing to an ache on his wrists, Jimin blinks a few times to finally get a good look.

The person sitting there is a man, elegantly sitting on a chair with a leg crossed and fingers interlaced on his lap. His attire screamed a clear fashion icon with black fitted slacks that looked also like cargo pants at once. There's a long blazer hugging his body, strapped by a thin belt on his waist that gave off this formal aura from him, especially by the golden pin placed on one of the lapels. From there Jimin can't tell what print it was, but a black and maybe silver or a light purple silk blouse hides under the attire, along with a necklace that held onto a plaque attached to a chain, hugging his delicate neck perfectly.


What.... A presence.

The more Jimin observed the person, the more intimidated he began to feel. It wasn't helping how his vision began to grow more and more cleared, finding some odd familiarity to the angelic face sitting in front of him with a monotone expression and pursed perked lips. Those sharp eyes similar to a slicing knife, skinning Jimin's soul alive to not leave a strand of flesh for him to hide under to even attempt on deceiving the king.

The king, that's what he looks like.

What he is.

The father of the Spawn.

As the realization began to settle on who this man is, Jimin could feel a cold shiver of fear run down of his spine that forced him to freeze on the spot. It wasn't helping either how he noticed past the the king's shoulder the demonic eyes staring from behind him. The familiar vivid red haired man leans against the wall, eyes hooded while his lips move as though he's chewing gum, almost obnoxiously. He held onto this almost cocky look on his face while something shiny spins between his fingertips.

Soon Jimin realized that the shiny thing is a knife, sharp and clearly threatening to just slice through someone's skin.

But it's not the knife specifically that shook Jimin to the bones and made a terrifying squeak escape his lips.

It's the man holding it clearly, especially when his cocky expression dropped to a more sinister glare and his lips quirking to a very lewd yet malicious smirk upon Jimin's spiking fear.

A look that definitely would make anyone piss themselves on the spot.

However all Jimin could do is glance between the the pair, hugging his body close to give himself some sort of comfort by how unsafe he feels right now. He couldn't speak even if he wanted to, his throat is tied in knots and his breathing grew uneven that even echoed the walls of this room.

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