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Kinda imagine Jimin like this for this scene^^

Wild - Troye Sivan

The last remaining autumn days is slowly coming to an end before the coldness of winter makes its appearance. The air is now more chillier than usual, the nights longer and the streets more empty in the late hours.

It's obvious that the countdown to warmer does is slowly coming to an end, but that doesn't mean no one will enjoy it as it still remains.

That's why these group of friends want to enjoy it now, these last remaining bittersweet days while it lasts.

Usually to do something stupid Jimin would have to be drink alcohol or get insanely high, but these people seem as though they run off that drug of adolescent youthful energy naturally. No matter how old they are.

That's why they instantly got on roller skates, bikes, or skateboards and decided to go on a stroll along the streets at three in the morning.

Jimin wouldn't dare himself to do something like this while being sober, but after seeing Yeosang grab onto a skateboard that Joshua offered to him, something pulsed Jimin to grab the roller skates and come along too.

No way is this sour and rude fucker going to be the fun one between them.

Not happening.

But Jimin has never done something like this before, just ride out calmly down the streets and..... Live?

Not being scared of cops or other people or cars in the way, just them enjoying this moment together.

Out of all things to do Jimin only knows how to roller skate properly, the four rollers type, so he chose the one with the beaming LED lights at the edge with the chaotic colors and baby blue rubber rollers.

It's cute and matches with his outfit.

One of the girls in the groupie connected their speaker to their phone and suddenly they were off.

Never has Jimin been surrounded by an ambient filled with so much laughter before. Sure the times he would hang around Joshua and his friends is filled with laughter and gossip but this is something entirely different.

Jimin himself felt warm inside.

It's a sickening warmness..... But it just felt like he was living a life that just..... Wasn't his.

This feels too peaceful.

Not being able to match with the chaotic energy with everyone else, Jimin lingers more in the back but keeps up with the speed to not be too far behind, seeing so many smiles and hollers of freedom as they ride down the street under the stars. Never has he seen such a wide smile on Joshua's face before as he spreads his arms and hollers to this undeniable sensation of feeling alive.



That's how Jimin wishes to see him look all the time.

Not like how he was before.

A day never passes by where Jimin doesn't think of Vernon and his bloody body, fists consumed in anger as he continued to beat him while thinking of only a defenseless Joshua unable to do anything as his supposed friend touched and sexually assaulted him.

Jimin may be younger than Joshua and Vernon, but perhaps the only reason Vernon ended up dead was because Jimin used the lid of a trash can against him.

The edge to be precise.

Vernon didn't want to hurt Jimin but once Jimin had the lid and jabbed it to his throat, Vernon was loss of air. It didn't stop.

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