Forty Five

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Bury A Friend - Billie Eilish

Yeosang has never seen anything like this.

Sure, he's seen people panic or go through a series of anxiety of attacks ever so often. He's seen his father go through coping with his traumatic experience, how he would go through his mental break downs and hysteria of physical contact. Jeongguk is a tough man, he's not so easily swayed to the vulnerable and emotional side because there's no room to show weakness in his line of work.

But what happened to him and how he became after that was the first time seeing his father completely broken, terrified and traumatized.

Luckily Taehyung was there as a backbone, helping him through his process on recovering and thanks to him Jeongguk was able to get back to his feet and be able to gain more recognition to what happened to him. Being kidnapped and having to suffer the torture that he did, no one really expected that to happen to a powerful man. No one expected to see their boss broken and suffered from series of sexual abuse that provoked his memory to become fogged and close to nothing.

That was the first and last time Yeosang has seen someone like this.

Now, this is something completely different.

Jimin is not only screaming and crying for help, scratching his skin and rubbing his hands as though he's trying to remove something off.

He's becoming violent.

Aggressively violent.

Not to anyone....

But himself.

He kept slamming his skull against the ground repeatedly, slamming his fists against his chest as though he's forcing his heart to pump. Gripping and yanking shreds of his blonde hair. Digging his fingers down his face with aggressive heaves of breathes escaping past his wet lips. He was losing so much control over his body that every movement he did was definitely anything but sane.

And no one was able to control him.

Anyone that tried to get themselves involved was met with either being shoved to the ground or a loud screech from Jimin's throat, so painful and hysterical that could deafen someone's ear drum if they were near by.

He was so uncontrollable, so feverish and..... Scared.

So.... Scared and confused.

And he doesn't know how to wake up from it.





So much screaming and demands are flying around the room and that seemed as though it wasn't making the situation any better. If anything Jimin grew more relentless and is now breaking down crying, mumbling words of pleading past his lips for mercy to the complete chaos happening in his head.

So many blotches of pain, drug injections, touches that he can fell all over his skin.

So many visions spiraling in his head like a wheel racing with such a slam of speed.

Even when Woosung stormed into the room and tried to attend the situation, he couldn't. Jimin was too unstable and even if people tried to push him down to the ground so Woosung can sedate him, he would still find himself out somehow to continue to cause himself harm.

Yeosang has even tried reaching him too, since they're pretty close, but when he would look into Jimin's eyes it didn't even seem like Jimin was even there.

He couldn't do anything.

And it was only getting worse.

Hwanwoong anxiously dashed into the room, phone in hand with eyes directed to his brother in panic.

"Yeosang we have a problem."

What more now!

In complete stress Yeosang whirls his head towards him, eyes glaring in clear frustration through Jimin's crying, "WHAT IS IT HWANWOONG!"

"O-Our parents," Everyone in the room except for Jimin snaps their heads to him in silence, a mass of different emotions flashing through their eyes just to the mere mention of the psychotic couple, "T-They are c-coming here."

Yeosang's whole face dropped, followed by a whirl of anxiety and complete desperation flashing his eyes like headlights. He moves his gaze from a broken down Jimin and back to Hwanwoong, now shaking in such panic that he was having difficulty breathing.

This can't be happening.

Fuck, why now?!

"N-No! Don't you see the state we are all in right now!" Yeosang screeches to Hwanwoong's nerving face, "Tell them right now is not a good time to check up on their rebellious son!"

"I-I can't do that."

"Why not!"

Hwanwoong gulps, "They're f-five minutes away."

You've got to be fucking kidding me....



Let's hope Jimin calms down by the time they get there..... Hopefully.

Maybe not..... Who knows....


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