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Leave Me Lonely - Ariana Grande ft Macy Gray

A cigarette is permanently placed on his lips, smoke exhaling the corner of his perky pink lips before clasping two fingers on the length and lightly take the stick out of his mouth; exhaling the entire smoke against the glass window.

Just like exhaling life the same way this smoke, slow and fogged.

And deadly.

The city today looks pretty from the view Yeosang has in his new apartment, but definitely doesn't beat how pretty it looks at night. It's not exactly uncommon to see this sight of tough buildings and endless highways; Yeosang has grown up to always see the city after all.

At least now he can see it on his own without the rush of training or doing something an innocent boy isn't suppose to do.

Not like he's a little boy anymore either way.

Well today he has a very interesting day to say the least, away from the same routine, especially since he's not going to spend it entirely alone.

So he's trying to keep himself relaxed while it lasts.

A buzz on his front pocket catches his attention, snapping him out from the gruesome memories of his past. He digs his phone out with his free hand and sees a message from the cute boy from the club the other night.


It's been a week since they've been hitting it off after talking a storm at the night club but it's nothing serious, just a casual friend type of talking. Joshua has set it clear that he has other..... Admirers as well and he's not into settling down at the moment; Much to Yeosang's unfortunate luck since he presumed differently of the other man.

Typically, he would've dropped him if it wasn't for the fact that Joshua is actually a nice distraction, and they do have good moments of hanging out together without it leading to any sexual tension.

After all, Yeosang knows how to control those urges well, so not like that's a problem.

Maybe he did have a little hope that Joshua in some future would change his mind, since Yeosang does wish to have something serious if he does mess around with someone, but being friends won't exactly be a bad thing to have as of now.

Right now they're set on hanging out to go to the movies while Joshua shows him more around the city- Even though Yeosang knows this area from the palm of his hand and back, but for the sake of keeping his cover as a new kid that recently moved here, he'll have to pull a great act jut to be around his company.

Ideally Yeosang isn't much of a movie person, not really having splendid memories that tags along with it, but if Joshua wants to go for it, who is he to stop him?

After rubbing his cigarette against the small ashtray, Yeosang goes to the bathroom to fix up his now black hair and brushes it back from his face, grabs his leather jacket before getting his car keys and moving out of his apartment. With the amount of money he currently has, he's able to possibly get a nicer place like a pent house or something, but that'll be too easily noticeable for his father's enemies to find him.

The more normal he appears to be, the better it'll be for him.

And for those around him too.

So after getting in his purposely worn out black BMW and moves out of the parking lot, he sets his way to Joshua's dormitory where he'll pick him up from there. Usually they would find a place to meet up, even though Joshua would invite him to his dorm from time to time but Yeosang would reject it lightly, so today Yeosang wanted to be a gentlemen and decided to pick him where he's staying instead.

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