Twenty Six

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Waiting For - Taemin


Maybe that's one word to describe the itching anxiety Jeongguk is feeling right now; Stressed.

So stressed.

No matter how many times he grazes over every single security camera out there in the country to assure his son is okay, heard from the hotel how they 've toughened their security, and knowing he's safe and eating; Jeongguk will never stop feeling stressed.

It's his son, of course he's going to worry now that he's out there on his own, alone. Well, not specifically about Yeosang is Jeongguk worried about, but he's worried about those he may encounter with.

As in their fate.

Yeosang is Jeongguk own personal demon; an animal; someone who Jeongguk molded to kill with precision and think as though a computer chip was engraved in his head.

To think ahead.

To act with intelligence yet reckless.

To be a better version of him and Taehyung combined.

He was not taught so much on the art of compassion. He was not taught to give mercy or how the outside world is different from this dark world that he's use to, only knowing how to drag blood across the ground rather then a tender soul to hold.

Jeongguk is afraid his son will get himself into some deep trouble and he won't be able to save him this time.

"Will you stop looking at that already?" The smooth voice of his husband snatches Jeongguk's attention away from the computer screen, glancing to the tea cup settled beside him with a cracker, "You act as though our son can't fend for himself.

Sending one last glare to the screen, Jeongguk turns on the chair and takes a sip of the tea while looking at his red haired husband leaning back against the desk with arms crossed, "Oh I know he can, but he has a temper. If he can't control his instincts to kill, the cops will be onto him and then they'll be onto us. He doesn't know how that world works Tae."

The other male sends a glance to the screen before letting out a heavy sigh, moving to sit on his husband's lap while adjusting his blazer properly on his shoulders. Jeongguk automatically rests his hands on Taehyung's hips, leaning back to the head rest of the leather chair with clear tired hooded eyes.

"And he will learn to adapt," Taehyung says calmly, both hands gripping the edge of Jeongguk's blazer and yanks him forward, "He may have your temper but he has my brains. He learns to behave by studying how the school system is, observes the people around him and pick up traits on what to and not do. As of now he's doing just that, so don't worry. Yeosang knows how to survive, thanks to me."

Well, that's not entirely a lie. Taehyung isn't known as little Karma for no reason. He thinks ahead and he's clever as fuck, but without Jeongguk he wouldn't be able to execute any plan at all with perfection.

The two make a perfect team, in this imperfect world together.

And just like that Taehyung's words felt like soothing river water to Jeongguk's body, letting the worry of their son slowly go to the back of his mind before nodding to himself and twitching a smile to Taehyung, "Remember those times when we met how I tried to kill you?"

"Um I think I remember well that I tried to kill you. Can't forget those poisonous cookies."

"You more 'horny' cookies."

Taehyung twitches a smirk, "Oh how much fun we did have together."

"Most definitely."

When their lips suddenly met and their world falls farther and farther behind them, no longer were they paying attention to anything more besides each other.

Especially to the melancholy gaze staring at them from the creaked door open, who instantly tore his gaze away from the sight with the phone gripping tightly in his grasp.

Who had Yeosang's name calling it.



It's been a while haha

Well I'm going to go on an update spree for my books so be ready! It's coming!!

I just need to drink some coffee and we'll be good to go!


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