Twenty Four

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Criminal - Taemin

As strange as it is to admit, perhaps Yeosang and Jimin living together is not entirely a horrible nightmare.

Key word, entirely.

That means in some way it kinda is.

Sure, Yeosang has probably walked in a few times Jimin jerking off or having a heated make out session with someone different each day, but not like that's his problem. They're sharing the place so Jimin can do whatever he pleases at the end of the day.

Probably what makes this bearable is not caring, maybe that's why it's tolerable living together.

After the first night, it was like they were both back to square one. That morning they continued to be their casual selves, which involved a lot of cursing back and forth and fighting, but not like that was ever an issue before. They always just ignored one another but never left the penthouse unless they go out together.

That was a rule they set up together.

Meanwhile as Jimin got busy in his spare time of break, Yeosang usually wastes his time by thinking of ideas or planning strategies to finding a way on how to not be a living target for both of them, but nothing really seems to be ringing any bells for him. His crew back home are on this too after he reached out for their assistance, so they would inform him if anything comes up in things he most likely didn't notice.

Other than that, Yeosang usually stays in the room or goes to the balcony at night, watching the city while sitting on the ground with nothing but silence within the winter air.

He likes the cold so it's not so bad dealing with it, especially since it's the only way he can avoid Jimin. It's worked well for the week so he continues to do it.

Yeah, living with Jimin hasn't been an entire pain. Mainly since they just ignore their presence, even though they still sleep on the same bed but with a literal mile distance between them.

Okay not literally but you get the point.

Today there hasn't been anything different actually; Yeosang practiced down stairs at the gym with the punching bag on offense approaches while Jimin lifted weights. They did practice their fighting but it wasn't as intense as last time. So they mainly did that before going back into the penthouse and did their own thing.

Jimin had this guy named Namjoon come over quite a lot, currently at the moment being occupied with him on the couch actually, and maybe Yeosang has tried not to stab him a few times after the last time he kicked Namjoon out of the dorm after seeing Jimin upset.

Seems like they're all good now, clearly.

They've been going at it for a while bow but Yeosang doesn't dare try to interrupt them while they're in their heat, so he just stays in the bedroom while smoking a cigarette past his parted lips.

At least they're not fucking, the couch can't be contaminated like that.

Too cruel.

Yet he did hear their desperate noises through the door, mostly from Jimin. It's not like Yeosang didn't allow Jimin to not fuck anyone here, but guess Jimin prefers not to in the first place. Respect maybe? But that doesnt meant he can't share a few kisses here and there while making the other want more.

Of course that won't happen as long as they're here, but those noises mind as well make it happen. So I'm attempt to block it out, Yeosang only plugs his ears with the headphones and listens to music.

Sadly it didn't work as much as he wanted, even with the volume to the max .

But thankfully he's never alone since a miracle always happens.

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