The Brooklyn Harbor - A Racetrack Higgins One-Shot

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Being the only girl newsie would normally be tough, but not for Sydney. She ran away from home about three years ago, and had no intent to go back. Every day it was the same; wake up, buy the papes, sell the papes, then the day was hers. She normally spent her time hanging out with the other newsies, especially Race and Mush.

"Ay! Sydney!" she heard someone holler. "Wait up!" She turned around to see Racetrack Higgins, her best friend, jogging up to her. "I have to do something now, but do ya think youse could meet me by the Brooklyn Harbor at sunset tonight?"

"I believe that I could," she replied, smirking.

"Okay, great. See you then," he said, running back towards the Manhattan newsie lodging house. She watched him leave, smiling to herself. After he was gone, she continued selling her papes.

"Extra! Extra! Trolley strike drags on!" Sydney yelled. She walked around Manhattan, absentmindedly selling her newspapers to anyone who would buy. By the time had sold all one hundred papes, Sydney had made a fair amount of money and it was only noon. She walked back to the lodging house and played a couple games of cards with Mush and Kid Blink before she realized she should leave.

The sky was a warm orange-pink color when Sydney walked down to the harbor. She sat down on a rock, humming one of Medda's popular songs and waiting for Race.

"I put on my best and sticks out my chest and I'm off to the races again," she sang softly, gazing out at the horizon.

"Youse got a pretty voice," Race said from behind her.

"Oh, uh, thanks, I guess," Sydney said, laughing nervously. "Why'd youse wanna meet here?"

"I thought we could go for a walk," he suggested.

"Okay," she replied, trying to ignore the butterflies her stomach felt as he linked his arm in hers. "Why'd you choose here for a walk?"

"Well, youse can look out at da whole horizon an' it's always beautiful, no matta da weather," Race told her.

"It is," she said, agreeing with him. They walked in silence for a minute, then Race turned to face her.

"Sydney, can I ask youse somethin?" She looked over at him. "Um, well, eva since youse become a newsie, I've...well, I've kinda- kinda thought dat youse was special. Da way youse can laugh at ya self and how ya always know what's right. I love seein' the way you look at da shows Medda's puts on because ya whole face lights up and youse looks so happy. I love how you can help the little newsies when dey has a bad dream and when you sing dem to sleep. Ya always look so beautiful no matta what youse been doin'. I loved bein' ya best friend, but Ise was hopin' dat now we could maybe, possibly, become more den dat?"

"Race, I-" she began. Sydney was overwhelmed; she hadn't seen this side of Race before.

"I know. It was a gamble. Da odds were against me. I shouldn't have-"

"Oh, Race, would ya shut up and let ya girlfriend take it in?" she said, smirking at him.

"Wait, what?'' Race questioned. Quickly, realization kicked in. He smiled at her. "So are youse my goil now?"

"I believe so." He cupped her cheek in his hand and placed his lips to hers. She leaned her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Finally, they pulled away.

"Come on, we has betta be gettin' back to da newsie house," Race said, putting his arm around her waist as they began to walk back.

"Are we gonna tell dem about us?" Sydney asked, leaning her head on his shoulder. He laughed, holding her close.

"What else am I gonna brag about? I'm datin' da most beautiful newsie," Race said, causing her to blush.

"I'm flattered, but I am da only goil newsie, so I'm kinda automatically da most beautiful," she replied, giggling.

"I don' know. I mean, have you seen Mush?" he teased.

"Eh," she joked, causing him to smile. "I think you've got him beat."

"Ah, why, thank you, kind miss," Race teased, pretending to bow. They walked into the newsie lounge hand in hand, earning a few cat calls in the process, but they couldn't care less.

A/N: Yeah, so I would've had this up sooner, but I then realized that they are named Race and Grace. So I had to think of a better name that would fit in this setting, but, now that it's up, I hope you like it!!!

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