Winter- A Niall Horan One-Shot

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This was requested by @thatweirdonextdoor. I prefer to not write One Direction one-shots, but if you guys want them I guess I could.

     As the cold air bit the girl's face, her boyfriend walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

     "Hello, Mary," he whispered as the snow gently fell on the two of them.

     "Hi, Niall," she whispered back. She turned around and leaned up, softly pressing her lips against his. Staring into his bright blue eyes, she fell in love all over again.

     "Let's go somewhere," he said, taking her hand in his. They walked through the snowy town for a while, until they reached the half frozen ocean. It truly looked so stunning with the city lights and faint snowfall. The pair sat on a bench watching the snow glide down slowly on them and their town, while she rested her head on his shoulder. They sat for hours like that, just enjoying being with each other and the beautiful winter.

     "Niall?" The girl asked, staring up at him and breaking the silence.

     "Yes, Mary?" The boy looked down at her with a look of interest in his beautiful eyes.

     "I have to tell you something," she began.  

     "Then I have something to listen to," he said, causing her to melt at his adorable Irish accent.

     "I think I'm in love with you," she said, so softly he barely heard her. Barely, but he did.

     "Well, I'm certain that I love you, and I'm going to keep loving you until the day I die," he said, kissing the top of her head. The girl smiled up at him, grateful that somehow, some way, she was blessed to be given this boy's love. And, in ten years time, his hand in marriage.

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