1. The beginning

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Y/N PoV:

"Y/N move yo butt here

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"Y/N move yo butt here."

That's Yong shin he was the pub owner and is an idiot.
I came to Yong shins office now.
"What do you need Yong shin?" I asked him.
"We gon' have some special guest so don't mess up understand?" he said harshly.

What could I except from that asshole.

-time skip-
I could hear carhorns outside. I got behind the bar and Yong Shin came to me.
"Remember act well or you will regret it."
Typical Yong Shin. Sometimes I'm really proud of myself for fighting the urge to rip his head off.

I saw seven men entering the pub. I'm really questioning how people are going voluntary to this nasty pub.

His PoV:
I was actually used to go out in fancy bars but this was one cheap and smelled like old cigarettes. Ew.
But oh well I don't think anyone I know will disturb us.
"Bro why are we in this disgusting pub, ew is that a dead rat-?"
"Let me decide won't you? I know how you are used to luxury Taehyung but this the best place to discuss a plan where probably some gang won't appear."
He rolled his eyes at me. I know how much he lived fot luxury but this doesn't sound like a me-problem and for all good..
I'm the leader so I have to decide where the "best" place is.

Y/n Pov:
I got a little nervous as I saw a man (probably the boss) arguing with his member. I tried to calm myself and went to their table.
"H-hello may I take your order?"
"2 vodkas." a girl ordered.
"Are you crazy??" A man to her left shaked her arm
"Jin let me have some fun!"
"Any more wishes?"
"7 soju and two vodka for this young miss."
The man with tattoos grinned.
"Jelaous I can drink more than you Jungkook?"
She laughed. "Oh Miss watch your tone I could drink twice than you."
"Lets make this a competition then!" The woman yelled aggressive.

"OH God guys you are embarrassing us!" yelled a blonde.
"jimin let's enjoy the show" said a guy with black hair.
"Thank you for your order." I said and went back to the bar.

Suddenly I felt a big figure behind me.

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