Part 13

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I woke up the next morning in Jungkooks bed.
My head was hurting damnit.
I stood up and went to my room trying not to wake him up. I packed the last stuff and went downstairs.

This is my last day here...

I sat down on the couch, all the memories of Jungkook came up again.
It was now 9.42 am it's almost 10 and Namjoon would come. Should I say goodbye to Jungkook?
I went to his bedroom and layed down next to him.
No reaction.

"I just wanted to say goodbye."

I wanted to stand up but I felt a hand on mine.

"You know. Even if we won't see eachother for a while just know that I'll miss you. I'll think every day and night about you, you make me a better human being. You mean really much to me Y/N and when we win this I promise you that I'll get you back and treat you how I should have treat you." He said, he pushed me closer and kissed me.

I hugged him and went outside, Namjoons car already parked.
"You ready Y/N?"
"Yeah" I said and went in to the car.
We drove for a while until we arrived at a big house, not as big as Jungkooks tho.

We drove for a while until we arrived at a big house, not as big as Jungkooks tho

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He opened the car door and we went inside.
It had a little warmer colors than Jungkooks Mansion.
Wow I just left Jungkooks house for a hour, twenty minutes and sixteen seconds and I'm already thinking about him.
Well nevermind, Namjoon showed me my room.
It was a cute bedroom in a lilac tone. He had some sense with designing his rooms.

 He had some sense with designing his rooms

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He then showed me his other rooms. "Feel yourself at home if you need something you are free to call me."
He said and left me in my room. What a gentleman~
I still bet that Emida treated him to be this kind to me.
I layed down looking at the lamp.
I was still thinking about Jungkook, had a one night stand with him and ugh what the actual fuck? I don't even know anything about him.
I actually know NOTHING about the others!
Maybe I'd ask Namjoon he seems like he would tell me..?
I went downstairs and saw Namjoon reading a book.

"Namjoon?" I asked. "Is there a problem?" He asked back.
"Would you mind if you tell me something about you and the gang, like I almost know nothing about yall and I would like to know you a little better."

He looked up at me rasing his eyebrow.
"Allright let's go to my room." We went to his room.
We entered and I saw a lot of maps, sketches, weapons, plans, folders and more things.
"Sit down" he pointed at the chair across of him.

"Just know that what I'll tell you know, is not just about good things..." he said.

(489 words)

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