Part 14

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Namjoon PoV:
For first I wasn't really sure if I should tell her, but I think after all she deserves to know atleast something.

"Our gang... got established many years ago. We were only kids, teenagers.
Our parents were against that we would build our own gang, but back then a lot of cruel things here happend and we had to defend ourselves. It costed many lives but we survived. We lost and took lives. We had a big fight with another gang which tried to take whole Seoul.
We fighted against them and won, but we lost our parents. Many months later after all this gruesome things ended, many of us couldn't take the loss of our parents.
Suga didn't eat for weeks, Jimin disappeared for years, Taehyung became a serial killer, Emida was completely ruined and go on..We all went through some hard shit but the hardest who lit at this, was Jungkook."

I stopped so she could realize everything.

Her emotions dropped as I mentioned Jungkooks name.
She nodded so I could go on, "He loved his parents and the loss was one of the reasons of his bad behavior which you probably noticed, when you met him first. He isn't rude on purpose, he just had a hard time but I think he was afraid to talk about this with you?" I asked her but she stayed quiet.
"Nevermind sorry, going on... He became rude, when we met up, he was always harsh. Emida as his close one tried to help to control his anger but he disagreed. He went to Party's, drank, smoked and.. "

I couldn't tell her.

"Well um, lots of years passed and we moved on with our parents dead, Suga came back and we reunited. Everything seemed just fine, but we noticed that we weren't the only ones who reunited but many other gangs came back together aswell."

I took some photos out of my shelf and showed her.
"Here are some pictures of the Gangs we...destroyed."

Y/N PoV:
My mind was blank. I knew they were a gang, but that they killed so many people just makes me sick. That's probably why those 4x's were drawn on the picture of their parents.
"What about you?" I asked him.
"What is with me?" He gave me a confused look.
"How did you handled the situation with your parents..?"
I asked him.
He looked at me ashamed of what his answer would be.

"I was with Jungkook drinking sometimes and yeah." He mumbled.
"What did you mention again with Jungkook? He was drinking and then, you stopped." I asked him again.
I wanted to know the truth.
"I uh, are you something with Jungkook?" He asked carefully. What would it change if I would say yes, but I'm not even sure if we are a thing so...
"Well, to forget all the stuff with fighting and his parents he drank a lot and had night stands."

My eyes widened. What. He was fucking other woman? It's not that I don't understand his pain but what if he used me aswell ad his toy to forget about the stress and the situation with the Yongs?
I didn't noticed that my lips faded and my eyes started tearing.
"I'm really sorry I know it can be really shit if your loved one fucks someone else." I could see his sadness in his eyes as he'd understood me.
"It's okay. I don't like him, I would just risk myself if I would." I was lying to myself, lying to my friends. I only lied. Sometimes I couldn't understand myself,
I hate him.
"Y/N the only who you lie to, is yourself I see how much you like him and you don't have to hide your pain." He said taking my hand. I saw down seeing a big scar on his hand.
"How did you get that" I pointed at his scar.
His smile dropped. "It's just a little scar from a fight." He said.

"What about that, I don't lie to you and you tell me the truth?"

(691 words)

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