Part 22

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Emida PoV:

I heard a body falling to the floor.

Is this the end?
I could only see black.
What?! Who was that?
I'm you.
The voice came back again.
Of course. I'm you. You're not dead.
What? So I'm talking to myself in a dark room?..
No you dumbass you are just paralyzed but you are alive.
Open your Eyes. Open your Eyes Emida...

I barely could open my eyes but I looked up.
No shot, no pain. How did I survived?
I supported myself and saw...
Namjoon lying lifeless on the floor. A blood trail along his stomach.

No he did not..
My body may be weak now but I stood up hugging Namjoon screaming.
"Namjoon don't, don't you dare leaving me. Answer me please. Joonie..."
I looked at sora-jun.. oh boy this will be a bloody mess if im done with him.

Y/N PoV:

Emida stood up like nothing happend. Like all her scars were healed.
She looked at Sora-jun, so close to kill him.
She stood up.
"If Namjoon won't survive this I hope the demons will hunt you in your death." She said emotionless.

She walked to him. Him obviously without anymore ammunition.
She jumped on him even tho she was so weak lying on the floor that someone shot him was a reason enough to kill someone
and with all power she buried the knife in his chest.
I could only hear a small gasp from Jun and he crashed to the floor.

She kneeled down and stabbed multiple times on him.
Hoping to stab all the pain he caused to her out.

I came out my hideout. Crawling to Namjoon
I ripped a piece from my blouse and tried drying Namjoons blood.
The others came rushed to me. Carrying Namjoons body to the exit.
I could only see jungkook trying to stop Emida from stabbing Sora.
"He... took... he took him...away from... me!!" She stabbed everytime she said something in his stomach.

Making sure he is dead.

"Emida..he is dead. We can g-"
"Jungkook..You don't understand.." she teared up. Tears falling from her face on Soras dead corpse.

We went back to the cars.

Jhope and Suga, with Namjoon in the backseat were driving to the Hospital.
Please don't die Namjoon..

"Tell Emida I love her"

This words were hunting my mind as I turned to Emida.
Her knife still placed in her bloody hands just staring down.
She looked up to me.
"Namjoon is strong, he will do it." I tried cheering her up.
She smiled. But her smile faded right away.

"You know... we always seak for revenge.
Jimin wants to get revenge on us for "killing" bis parents,
Sora for his eye and his brother,
and now I took my revenge by killing Sora-jun.

But you know?

All this revenge won't give us our loved ones back. It's like a cycle.
Someone kills your love, you get revenge by killing there loved ones and it just repeats."
She stopped. Leaning back.

We arrived at the hospital.

Namjoon got brought into emergency, getting operated.
We were all sitting in the waiting room hoping Namjoon would survive.

We all were tired. Jimin escaped. The yongs were defeated. All hurt.
All this in one night.

We all fell asleep except Emida. She stayed the whole night awake.

- - - - - - -

It was 3 a.m I couldn't sleep. I wanted to get some water and saw Emida in her chair watching her phone.

I stood up and took a place next to her.
"Can't sleep too?" I smiled
"Ye" she said quietly.
I looked on her phone and for no wonder she was watching pictures of her and Namjoon.
"It kinda helps me to think positive about all this thing. His face. It's enough to make me happy,to think positive." She said.

Maybe it would be the right time to confess... what Namjoon told me back then.
"Well Emida I have to tell you something and-" I wanted to finish my sentence but I got interupted by an alarm.


(676 words)

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