4. New home?

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I heard a scream. But it was from a female.
I sneaked into Jungkooks bedroom and watched through the door gap.

 I sneaked into Jungkooks bedroom and watched through the door gap

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Jungkooks PoV:
I couldn't believe what I just saw.

"I-it isn't w-what is looks like" my maid said.
"And what does It look like?... Did you honestly tried to rob me and kill me so noone finds out? Is it what it looks like hm?" I stepped further.

"I-i needed i-it"
"I gave you enough money. Now get out off my house before I won't hesitate to kill you and burn your stuff."
"But Boss pleas-"


Her eyes filled with tears and fear.

Y/N PoV:

I knew Jungkook was an aggressive type of guy but he was extremely angry right now. The maid ran past me and left the mansion within seconds. I saw Jungkook lying on the Coach. I didn't know what to do. What if I do a mistake he will also kick me out?

"Oh God" he sighed while covering bis face.

I know it would be risky to come near him but I just sat next to him.
"Hey" I said.
He looked at me and ignored me.
"I know it isn't the best time but atleast you caught her."
He mumbled something But I couldn't understand anything so I just nodded.
"Can I have a glass of water?" He asked.
"What's the magic Word?"
He looked at me like he was about to rip my head off so I just went to the kitchen and brought the water.

Jungkooks PoV:

She is so weird. What am I gonna do now? I don't have a maid anymore. Ugh damnit.
What is she looking at me like that? Do I look like I want to play right now?
She held the water infront my face and I grabed it.
"You know a little kindness wouldn't hurt" she muttered.
"Be happy that I even let you in my mansion or do you wanna leave aswell?"

"I am already gone" she said a little hurt and went to the guestroom.
Ugh. Finally all by my own. I can't stand people like her.
Only this night and I can be all by my own again.

Emidas PoV:

"Shit where is my phone?" I asked.
"Calm down its probably here" said Hoseok.
"I bet Jimin stole it." Said Taehyung.
"I didn't steal anything!" Said jimin annoyed.
"Maybe it still at jungkooks?" Said namjoon
"Oh" I sighed.
"We are gonna go anyway to jungkook tomorrow so no worries, you will get your phone soon" said Jin.
"Alright, I will go home now guys goodnight"
"Night" said everyone.

"Wait I'll accompany you" said Namjoon.

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