10. Secrets

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Y/N PoV:

It was boring all alone. The only Interesting thing was, watching Bam sleep.
I lied on the Coach always checking if they wrote me something.
I was counting every second that he would return.
I kinda miss his presence.
Oh Y/N you are putting yourself in so much danger by liking him.
Wait I don't like him. Pfft he doesn't even doesn't look good and is just my boss.
But I was damn knowing that I was lying.

Was I falling for my boss?

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. This thought wouldn't leave my brain.

Jungkook PoV:

I'm worried about Emida. But mostly about Y/N.
She probably can't defend herself. What if something happends to her.
Not that I like her but I just can't let her be killed that easily.
I knew they were not easy enemies.
Now everyone's live is in danger.
Especially mine, Emidas and Y/N.

"We have to do something, we can't just sit here and do nothing. Every second we could be their target and we wouldn't know." Said Hoseok

"My idea is too kill them all, noone would miss 'em." Yoongi said.
Yoongi was a good friend of mine. But this wouldn't work out by killing everyone. One always needs to sacrifice himself and I knew that too well.

"I don't want to be the responsible when one of my partners die. You know what happend back then. Do I have to remind you all how we all lost our families to survive. I don't want to loose anyone of you. We have to think wisely about this situation the yongs (용) are not dumb. But they always look for violence and sometimes they don't think clear."

I looked at Emida. She looked at me. I knew what was going on in her head.
"It isn't your fault."
"It is Jungkook. I ruined everything. If I didn't took that Bastards eye they would have forget us after some hours but now they are planning revenge because I provoked them."
I could see the guilt in her eyes.
"You know exactly It isn't your fault and even if, we are going together through this shit. Now listen up, because I am explaining It only once."

Later on I invited Namjoon and Emida. We drove home. After I opened the door It was quietl. Too quiet. Shit where is she. Did they take her with her. They wouldn't dare would they. I started panicking. This girl made me crazy. I ran to the guestroom and she wasn't there. DAMNIT Y/N WHERE ARE YOU.

Y/N PoV:

-Some hours before-
"Are you hungry buddy?" I asked Bam.
He happily barked and I gave him some snacks. I looked up and noticed Jungkooks room. I never was there expect when I took care of Jungkook. I was forbidden to go in. But he wouldn't mind if I would just look around for a while? I went upstairs and pushed the handle and entered the room.

 But he wouldn't mind if I would just look around for a while? I went upstairs and pushed the handle and entered the room

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