2. Crazy Night

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It was Yong shin.

"I will go now. If I'll find out you messed up I'll punish you till you beg that I'll let you go you heard me?" he snapped at me.
It was already enough working at this disgusting pub with a low sallary but this disrespect..?

I brought new drinks while the girl drank for her life with the "Mafia boss Jungkook".
Then there was a guy who tried this girl from drinking. Her boyfriend?

I actually didn't care, they were just some people and I would get payed. And not much.

"Jungkook spill the tea." said the blonde guy.
"Jimin you impatient ass couldn't you wait till I'm *hick* done."

"You are already drunk what should we wait for" the guy with the girl said.
"Gotta agree with namjoon"
"Fine gonna tell you."

I didn't listen, I was busy cleaning up the empty cups.

Girls PoV:

That Service girly seemed really kind. Maybe she could join us... No! I'm just drunk and not thinking. But a girl friend wouldn't be bad in a gang full of boys. We could do pajama Party's! But I got teared apart by namjoons voice.
He whispered "Emida are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm just a little dizzy" I smiled slightly.
He hugged me tight and I didn't mind we are friends after all, aren't we?

Y/N PoV:

I saw that guy Namjoon hugging the girl. I looked up to see Jungkooks angry face
"Yeah with your drunk ass you ain't even listening Emida"

"Kookie leave me alone I'm tired" Emida complained.
"you really should listen" said another Man.
"Fine hobi"

"Well where did I stop?"...

But suddenly I heard shouting noises outside.

I kinda got scared but the members weren't even moving. Till someone broke the window and millions of glass pieces fell down.

"Those motherfuckers found us." shouted Jimin and Taehyung.
I stooped down and heard fighting noises. I looked a little up as I saw the members fighting. It was a bloody mess. Till I felt something on my back.

"You girl. Follow me"

It was the boss himself.
I followed him carefully into one of the cars.
He smiled a little "we gotta take you with us unless you wanna get killed hm?"
He was different attractive I couldn't even say something so I just nodded. I stayed in the car and watched from the window how they fought.
The girl even scratched an eye from a man. Kinda disgusting but I cheered for her. "YOU BITCH" the guy screamed bleeding out of his face.
"Need a tissue Oppa?"
I couldn't hold myself.
"You slut I'll get revenge on you!"
"Oh I want to see that, but next time Oppa!" She laughed.
After they fought a while everyone jumped in the car and Yoongi was driving as fast as he could.

After they fought a while everyone jumped in the car and Yoongi was driving as fast as he could

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The girl was sitting next to me.

"Hey I'm Emida, I'm sorry if we ruined your pub but honestly it smelled badly in there you should get some parfume." I giggled at her comment because, she wasn't that wrong tho.
"Where do you live girl?"
"Daehengo street"

He drove me home and Emida smiled
"Was nice meeting you. Here is my number if you wanna meet up"
I took the card, it was black gold and it had a beautiful design.

"Thank you" I left the car.
And the car drove away. Oh well.
I went back inside and fell imidiantly asleep.

-Next Morning-

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