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Y/N PoV:
The next morning I woke up.
I could feel big hands around my waist.
I tried to wake up but I only could hear him "ugh no stay..".
I stayed a little longer and went down.
What was happening just some seconds ago...
I turned bright pink oh my...
As my usual routine I was preparing breakfast. I heard a knock on the door.
I went to down and opened the door.
"Nice seeing you again" Emida was infront of the door with Namjoon.
They came in and set down.
"Urgh is Jungkook still asleep." groaned Namjoon.
"Did you wanted to meet up or?" I asked.
"Well this is more spontaneously" Emida said.
"I'll get him give me a minute" I bowed and excused myself to my room, where Jungkook was probably still asleep. I went to the little bathroom and as I opened the door
I saw a Jungkook only with a towel around his waist. "O-oh I'm s-sorry"
I quickly jumped out and shutted the door.
A while later Jungkook came out of the bathroom.
I still was a little flustered.
"Jungkook y-you have guests" I mumbled.
He came close to me and lifted my chin.
"I didn't hear you, what was that?"
"You have guests!" I said a little louder.
"Mhhm" he said and went downstairs.
I went with him. After they chatted they went upstairs but to Jungkooks room. What are they doing?
I went on tip toe upstairs and leaned my ear on the door
to listen what they were talking about.
"Y/N needs to disappear." Said Emida harsh.
"She is right Jungkook as long as she stays with you, she could be an easy target for them. Even if you like her we have to take her somewhere safe." Namjoon agreed.
Thank god they don't to get rid of me.
"She is just my maid nothing more but okay,
Namjoon can she stay with you?" Said Jungkook.

I talked to Namjoon only once. He really seemed like a nice guy and honestly I didn't mind to live wirh him for a while.

"I wouldn't mind sure" answered Namjoon.
"Don't do anything stupid, she is my friend after all" Emida said.
"Oh no worries doll I won't" he laughed.
"Don't call me that ugh let's go and tel-"
I ran downstairs to the kitchen, pretending cleaning up.
I saw them walking down.

"Y/N can we talk or are you busy?"
"No what's wrong?" I'm such a good actress.
"Well you know about the yongs and-"
Wait wait repeat that. Who and what are the yongs?
"The yongs?" I asked.
Namjoon and Emida stared at me horrified.
"Jungkook... don't tell me you didn't tell her." Emida glared to jungkook.
"Well huh... I guess I forgot."

Namjoon slapped his face and Emida hit Jungkook.
"Jungkook you dumbass! Y/N let's talk in private." We went to the living room.
"Well umm... let me start off with this."

"So you tell me that since the incident in the pub provoked them to kill you and Jungkook and because im in this shit involved I could be killed by them and now I have to stay with Namjoon?" "Yeah..." Emida looked at me with sad eyes. She was about to cry.
"I'm really thankful tho that you care about me. I'll pack my bags."

Jungkook PoV:
"Namjoon. we need to talk." I said.

(577 words)

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