Part 19

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We sat in the car.
The whole ride I thought about this one conversation we had when we were kidnapped and brought in this little room.

-Back then-

"I'm scared" I said quietly.
"I know, I am actually scared aswell. They are smart people and we won't come so fast out of this place that's why I'll tell you a little before... it's too late." He said.
What did he mean with "too late". Are we going to die here..?

"Okay I'll make this quick..what do you want to know more."
"Actually this situation scares me I don't wanna know too much, but.. your relationship with Emida."
He looked at me ashamed.

"Did she.. tell something about me?" He asked.

"Well no, but you are close and I was wondering.."
"Well we are friends. Well this is what we call us but deep down I really like her. To be more precise I love her. She is a really sweet and caring person and I wish I could tell her.. but know I don't even know if we will come out of here."

-10 minutes later-

Namjoon is cutting something. And then I saw it. Again.
The scar on his hand.
"Hey Namjoon, you actually never told me where you got this scar from?" I asked.
He stopped. "Allright."

"You remember when I told you about the fight? There was a risky situation. A enemie was about to attack Emida from the back, with a knife but I blocked it with my hand to save her hand. Till this day we promised eachother to save eachothers live as long as we are alive"

Actually it was a cute story but that they had to go trough so much was sad.

-another 10 minutes later-

"I'm done you can escape" he said happily.
Me? What about us.

"Namjoon why me what's with you?.." I was a little worried.

"I'm never gonna fit in this window, escape and warn the others! "

"Namjoon I won't go without you."

"You will, and if I won't come here out." He pushed me up.
"Tell Emida I love her."

I plopped out the window and immediately started running.
Leaving Namjoon behind

-present time-

(370 words)

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