Part 23

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Weeks later

Noones Pov:

Namjoon had a big chest injury and a broken leg.
But he survived and the Gang visited him as often as they could.
They all decided to quit their crimes and become "normal people" and live a normal live.

Y/N and Jungkook are happily dating and everything just seems fine. But...

Y/N PoV:

Today we were going to visit Namjoon to check up on him. We entered the waiting room and Emjda was already sitting, waiting to enter.
We sat next to her and talked a little till Emidas name was called to visit Namjoon.
Me and Jungkook sitted, quiet.

Our relationship went well and I was happier than ever.
But was he too? He looked sad and I tapped on his lap.
"Baby are you Allright?" I asked him.
He looked up as I disturbed him.
"Well Y/N I need to confess something.." he said.
I was curious so I turned myself to him facing my face.

"L/N Y/N and Jeon Jungkook you may visit Kim Namjoon now," the front lady said. I really wanted to know what Jungkook wanted to tell me but I really wanted to see Namjoon again.
He lied on the bed smiling holding Emidas hand.

He did it..

We chatted for a while until our visit time was over.
The whole ride back home, Jungkook was quiet.

"Baby what's wrong. You are so quiet. Did something happend?"
I asked with the urge to find out what is wrong with him.

"Y/N I-I need to concentrate on the r-road let me drive please." He said.
I was sick that my own boyfriend keeps secrets from me.

"Jungkook I'm sick that you hide things from me. Why can't you just tell me. I'm your girlfriend after all?!" I raised my tone obviously angry at him.

"Y/N JUST SHUT UP!" He shouted at me.

"YOU NOW WHAT. FINE. Stop the car." I said.
He gave me a confused look.

"I won't repeat myself. Stop the car." I said.

He stopped and I got out the car. "Where the hell are you going!?" He grabed my hand but I jerked myself from his grip.

"Away from you. Till you calm down." I said and left behind a corner.

Jungkooks PoV:

Fuck. Why can't I just tell her? I think I'm just to afraid to tell her, how will she react?
And now she is all by herself in the dark streets because I couldn't tell her.
I drove back home, hoping she would return.

But when I arrived, noone was at home.

My little one, all alone. I was blaming myself. I looked at my phone,

Are you going to text me, call me?

I knew damn well that Y/N's Pride was even bigger than mine, but why can't she just act like a good girl for once?!

Y/N PoV:

I walked trough the streets all by my own.
I could lie in my warm bed at home, but I was too stupid to walk trough those dark smelly streets.
He probably didn't even cared for me.
It was cold. A normal cold and dark January.

I walked a little, my legs already feeling wobbly, that within seconds I would just fall to the ground. The only thing I was thinking about was to go home and lie down and fall asleep.

It has been probably two hours I was walking through the whole town. Lost.

Where am I?

I sat on the bench to relax a little.
Till a woman sat next to me.

"Y/N?" She asked.

I was too tired but I looked to the woman, facing Emida.

"What are you doing all alone here? In this kind of quarter noone goes around especially at this time." She said.

I was too tired to answer. I just wanted to go home.
She took me by my arm and to lead me to her car.

"Y/N. Did something happend between and Jungkook?" She asked.
Honestly I just wanted to stay quiet but without Emida I would just scatter the remaining hours around in this quarter.

"He wanted to tell me something But then he didn't wanted to anymore and I was just a little sad that he wouldn't even tell me what's going on, like im literally his girlfriend. So I just got out of the car to make my pride feel good enough and went here... and then i got lost, already thinking I wouldn't return."

She nodded. "You know he actually send me to search after you because he thought you would go with me. He is really worried about you Y/N and I suggest you to talk to him after i brought you home." She said.

He..he was worried?
Okay I should expect that but it still feels nice.

We drove for a half hour and finally arrived at Jungkooks house.
I could see a man and a dog at the front door.
"Y/N remember my words. And if something happens then don't run away just call me, we will always find a way ro solve things, allright? Good Night Y/N." She said and I nodded.
As she left I stood now approximately 10 meters away from jungkook.
I missed him so much, Bam, the house. I ran how much my legs could carry me. I finally reached the front door and hugged Jungkook.
"I'm so sorry my love, I shouldn't left you all alone on the street I'm such a horrible boyfriend do you forgive me? I know I did so much wr-" I cutted him off by placing a kiss on his lips. I just wanted to be with him, his presence only.
We hugged for a while and went to the bedroom cuddling the rest of the night. We solved everything and he would tell me tomorrow!

A lot of things changed after we fighted the yongs.

Jhope and Suga got already a job.

Taehyung started to work for the begging in a little café.

Jimin still on the lose.

Namjoon still in the hospital, recovering.

Emida and Jungkook are still struggling with a new job.

Just to quit everything they went through, it's hard just to move on and start a new life.
I tried to support Jungkook as hard as i could so he could achieve everything he wanted.

You know after the whole fight, everything changed to better.

Well. How much I wished I would tell the truth.

(1095 words)

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