9. Revenge?

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We finished eating breakfast.
I stood up to wash the dishes and Jungkook disappeared in his room.
I was so tired I probably only slept for 2 hours. I sat sat on the couch to concentrate but it didn't work.
My eyes were literally glued together.

 My eyes were literally glued together

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Where am I?
I woke up in my room.
How did I came here. Bam was lying on the floor next to me.
I stood up and walked to greet living room,
seeing jungkook calling his Colleagues.
He hung up and turned around.
"Slept well?" He asked.
I could actually think he was the one bringing me to bed.
"Thank you" I said.
"Tsk it's nothing" he turned back to his laptop.

The rest of the day I spent with cleaning.
Until someone knocked on the door.
I came to the door and when I opened it I was shocked.

It was Emida. Her face with blood and a big scar on her eyebrow. "Y/N."
She looked so scary. I let her in. She throwed her jacket on the floor and went to jungkooks room.
What was going on?
I heard shouting.
Not even seconds later jungkook and Emida left the room and ran out the house. I just stood there not knowing what to do.
"If something is wrong call me." Jungkook whispered.
They closed the door.
Now I was all on my own...

(234 words)

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